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丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
一堵古老的寺廟牆壁上展示著大悲觀世音菩薩/觀音菩薩的咒語。 念誦此真言,喚醒並增強六種品德:布施、戒律、忍辱、精進、禪定和智慧,為解脫掃清道路。
A painter paints his prayers.
An old temple wall reveals the mantra of Avolokiteshvara / Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion. The vibrations from chanting this mantra awaken and empower the six qualities: generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, meditation and wisdom clearing one's path for liberation.
It is my aspiration, through this visual representation, to bring the blessings of this mantra to everyone who sees it.