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丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
這個系列是關於我們這個時代因為戰爭、政治不穩定和國際強權政治的影響而看到的流離失所、難民危機。 每年都有成千上萬的人從中東、非洲和亞洲穿越地中海移民到歐洲國家。 數百人在旅途中喪生…… 這組作品評論了它在許多脆弱國家造成的權力、金錢、資源和破壞的貪婪。 無辜的人遭受苦難,失去生命,被迫離開他們尊敬的地方,繼續苦難和不確定的未來之旅。
This series is about the displacement , refugee crisis we have seen in our time because of war, political instability and influence of international power politics . Thousands of people migrating to European countries crossing mediterranean sea every year from Middle East, Africa and Asia. Hundreds of them died in the journey ... This body of works comment on the greed of power, money, resources and destruction it has caused in many vulnerable countries . Suffering of innocent people, loss of life , forced to leave their respected places and continuation journey of misery and uncertain future .