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Skolyshev Vladimir (亦被稱為Sko1y)是一位透過各式書籍及講堂汲取養分,自學成才的藝術家。他飽覽現當代藝術史發展脈絡及思想概念,從巴勃羅·畢卡索(Pablo Ruiz Picasso)及尚·米榭·巴斯奇亞(Jean-Michel Basquiat)等傳奇藝術家汲取靈感,建立極具個人特色的極簡藝術風格。
源源不絕的想法及創意根植於他的DNA中,他全然地傾注心力及時間投入在藝術創作上,並視為人生最重要的使命,其精神透過獨具一格的鮮明作品大放異彩,包括畫面大量涵蓋的紅色與黑色、人物的開朗笑容和諸多卡通化細節。如《Red Girl》系列作品,藝術家筆下的紅女孩們儘管都帶著公式化的笑容與中分長髮,其運用微小細節變化,詮釋出每個女孩不同的性格及心事。對Skolyshev而言,紅色象徵著光明及美麗,如同她們身上散發赤誠勇敢的美好特質,彷彿光明使者般向我們提醒,混沌不明的現狀終將有一天撥雲見日!
He studied painting on lectures and books by himself. Taking inspiration from legendary artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat and Picasso, Skolyshev has established his own minimal artistic style from the same foundation to make his mark in the contemporary art space.
Creativity has always been ingrained in Belarusian artist Skolyshev Vladimir’s DNA. He chalks up being creative as his ultimate end goal and that his most important life decision was to commit his time and attention solely to his art. Skolyshev’s dedication to his craft shines through in his work, which consists of red and black color fills, an assortment of smiley faces, and cartoonish details, specifically in his Red Girl series, as each painting is a different variation of the same figure with its individual stories.