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黃麟詠新作引用1510年傑拉爾德·大衛Gerard David的作品《聖母聖子與聖人與捐贈者》(The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donor),利用過去的符號重構當今時代的符號,紀錄人類信仰與生活重心的轉變,回望14世紀文藝復興時期前,人民的信仰寄託在宗教上,虔誠的信徒會藉捐獻請託藝術家繪製聖母聖子像,確證其堅定信心,亦是藝術家主要創作主題。爾後隨著資訊與媒體的普及與快速傳播,對偶像的崇拜地位已直逼千年的宗教信仰,「朝聖」的意義早已不侷限在字義表徵。
美國已故知名女演員瑪麗・蓮夢露(Marilyn Monroe)是20世紀以來「性感」的代名詞,她的風采仍深深牽引著各世代影迷,畫中浮世繪的歷史人物也來在這裡朝聖世界知名偶像,右邊的女生手中拿著甘迺迪與瑪麗蓮萝露的八卦小報,表達部分人藉由這種方式獲得更充實的生活配置,體現出現今人們透過不同面向的「信仰」餵養心靈,充實生活。
The 2.7-meter tall 96 and still sexy by Huang Lin-Yung is presented to the public for the first time. It references Gerard David’s 1510 work, using past symbols to reconstruct contemporary symbols and documenting the shift in religion and lifestyles. Looking back at the early Renaissance period during the 14th century, people relied on religion, and pious believers would commission artists to create paintings of Jesus and the Virgin Mary to show their faith; because of this, religious topics were the primary subject matter for artists. With the vast spread of information and media, people’s admiration for celebrities is almost surpassing thousand-year-old religions; today, the word “pilgrimage” has exceeded its original meaning.
The famous late actress Marilyn Monroe has become the epitome of “sexiness” in the 20th century, and her charm continues to attract film lovers of different generations. In the painting, even historical figures from Ukiyo-e works pilgrimage to see the world-famous idol. The girl on the right holds a tabloid paper reporting the gossip of JFK and Marilyn Monroe, showing that this is how some people add color to their lives. This work shows how the people of today enrich their minds and lives through different “beliefs.”