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Mario Weinberg的抽象表現風格結合了平塗、厚塗、徒⼿、塗鴉等,搭配多媒材及奔放的⾊彩,更將街頭遇⾒的店家商標和廣告傳單融入作品中。近期利⽤環氧樹脂透明、堆疊的效果,增加視覺的層次感。他期許觀賞者可以對畫作充滿好奇,並在想法交流中產⽣碰撞、不同的解讀。
Mario Weinberg abstract expressionistic style combines flat application, impasto, freehand techniques, and graffiti elements, complemented by a variety of mediums and vibrant colors. He also incorporates store logos and advertising flyers encountered on the streets into his artworks. Recently, he has been using transparent, layered effects with epoxy resin to enhance the visual depth of his pieces.