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丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
《Tall Tail 3》中的老虎安睡在自己扭動的尾巴上,以此提醒我們:有時我們對於事情的主觀看法和自我解釋可以為我們帶來安全感,就像寒天裡的溫暖毯子一樣。而藉由柔和舒緩的筆觸和色調,我希望捕捉這幅作品寧靜祥和的氛圍。睡虎代表滿足和休息的狀態,尾巴則象徵著我們為自己說的故事,在不可預知的世界中營造安全及熟悉感。
A sleeping tiger at rest on its elongated tail, which twists and turns to fill most of the canvas. This painting serves as a reminder that sometimes our internal narratives and stories can bring us comfort and security, like a warm blanket on a cold day. Through the use of soft and soothing brushstrokes and a limited color palette, I aimed to capture the peaceful and serene atmosphere of the piece. The sleeping tiger represents a state of contentment and rest, while the tail serves as a symbol of the stories we tell ourselves, creating a sense of security and familiarity in an unpredictable world.