Offered By
丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
《Entangled Tail》描繪了兩隻老虎尾巴糾纏、彼此在衝突中盤旋,以此作為人際關係相互依存的隱喻。透過這個意象,我試著探索人際關係中難以避免的權力與控制的複雜流動,以及應對這些挑戰時可能激發的美好事物。我希望觀眾能受到啟發,反思他們自己的關係以及如何將衝突轉化為成長和聯繫。
My painting depicts two tigers entangled in each other's tails, circling each other in a symbolic conflict. Through this imagery, I aim to explore the complex dynamics of power and control that can arise in relationships, as well as the beauty and strength that can emerge from navigating these challenges. The tigers entangled tails serve as a visual metaphor for the interdependence and complexity of human relationships. I hope that viewers will be inspired to reflect on their own relationships and the ways in which conflict can be transformed into growth and connection.