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丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
我試著透過《Tail (Maze) 1》探索生命經驗以及自我省思如何啟動我們複雜的內在心理活動。迷宮代表了人生歷程的複雜性,而老虎向下俯視的姿態暗示著沉思與自省,如同它在思考自己過往的經歷;迷宮狀的尾巴則表示我們必須循著錯綜複雜的路徑,回朔自己的過往經驗。透過這件作品,我希望能激發觀眾反思他們的自我發掘之旅,以及覺察駕馭自身複雜生活的力量。
This piece depicts a tiger lying down and gazing over a ledge, while its elongated tail stretches below it in the shape of a maze. Through this imagery, I explore the power of story- telling and self-reflection in navigating the complexities of our inner lives. The maze represents the complexity of our own narratives and the journeys we must undertake to make sense of them.
The tiger's position overlooking the ledge suggests a sense of contemplation and introspection, as if it is contemplating its own story. While the maze- shaped tail represents the intricate paths we must follow in order to make sense of our own narratives. The contrast between the powerful tiger and the delicate intricacy of the maze serves as a reminder of the complexity and richness of human experience.Through this painting, I hope to inspire viewers to reflect on their own journeys of self-discovery and the power of self- reflection in navigating the complexities of our lives.