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丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
《Puzzle》系列的拼圖老虎代表了塑造我們的社會角色和種種期望如何將我們組成一幅完整的作品,以此作為社會中人們經常被迫遵守規範的隱喻。透過這些意象,我想探索個人與大眾之間的緊張關係,以及那些規範如何限制我們充分表達自我的能力。我們經常被迫縮限自己的部分天性以適應外在角色的期許,從而產生脫節的感覺。因此我以抽象的老虎寓意解釋觀點的彈性,突顯出人類經驗的豐富性和多樣性。我希望觀眾能受到啟發反思自己與社會規範及外在期望的關係,希望他們擁抱自己的個人特質、在群體中找到歸屬感。而《Puzzle F》中分開的拼圖說明我們有可能超越社會及自我的框架,找到自由。
My painting depicts abstract tigers, each composed of puzzle pieces that represent the social roles and expectations that shape our lives. The puzzle pieces serve as a visual metaphor for the ways in which people in society are often pressured to conform to designated spaces.Through this imagery, I aim to explore the tension between individuality and conformity, and the ways in which societal norms can restrict our ability to fully express ourselves. The fragmented nature of the puzzle pieces suggests that we are often forced to suppress certain aspects of ourselves in order to fit into predetermined roles, creating a sense of disconnection and disunity.At the same time, the abstract nature of the tigers allows for multiple interpretations and perspectives, highlighting the richness and diversity of human experience. I hope that viewers will be inspired to reflect on their own relationship to social norms and expectations, and the ways in which they can embrace their individuality while still finding a sense of belonging and connection within their communities.The puzzle piece that sits apart is illustra- Hve of the possibility to move past our so- cietal expectaHons and freedom to be outside of what is expected of us.