ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會


    王曉勃 Wang Xiao-Bo (1974~)

    王曉勃現居並工作於北京,2000年自中央美術學院油畫系畢業後投身繪畫創作至今,其創作以人為主體,將象徵性視覺符號融入創作思維中,近年發展的《尋找光明》系列打造出令人身歷其境的超現實寫實風格,體現藝術家對自我的探討與世代的關懷。其作品受邀至世界各地展覽展出,包括愛爾蘭現代美術館、澳洲雪梨雙年展、洛杉磯藝術博覽會及德國北部藝術區年展等。於 2017年被提名列入當代藝術史論權威《中國當代藝術文獻》中,被譽為中國當代藝術最有價值的70後藝術家之一。


    Wang Xiao-Bo captures the mysteriousness and majesty of humanity through an artistic perspective and fully implements that concept of “art stems from life.” Having gone through the madness and rebelliousness of youth, the establishment of a home with a loved one, and the birth of his child, his temperament has gradually turned from radical to tranquility. Through the refinement and development of life experiences, Wang continues to explore the connection between life and society through inner contemplation. Wang’s works display the transformation of space and time, with the only element that remains unchanged as the pursuit of the ideal spiritual state. Just as the artist stated: “Life is filled with ups and downs, but I hope we can all find a light of our own.”

    Born in Beijing in 1974, Wang Xiao-Bo captures the mysteriousness and majesty of humanity through an artistic perspective and fully implements that concept of “art stems from life.” Having gone through the madness and rebelliousness of youth, the establishment of a home with a loved one, and the birth of his child, his temperament has gradually turned from radical to tranquility. Through the refinement and development of life experiences, Wang continues to explore the connection between life and society through inner contemplation. Wang’s works display the transformation of space and time, with the only element that remains unchanged as the pursuit of the ideal spiritual state. Just as the artist stated: “Life is filled with ups and downs, but I hope we can all find a light of our own.” In ART TAIPEI 2023, Wang Xiaobo will be exhibiting his new work of Searching for Light series, which were mostly set against natural sceneries, create a deeper sense of intimacy with urban life. The works hint at the unveiling of the various chapters of life and its unknown temptations and challenges by separating the inner and outer spaces with curtains and glass panels. Faced with the unpredictability of the future, we should retain our sense of curiosity, passion, and the ability to dream, opening the perspectives of the soul and enjoying the different sceneries of life.