【尋找光明-王曉勃個展 × 蔡尉成大型雕塑特展】Searching for Light: Wang Xiao-Bo Solo Exhibition and Tsai Wei-Cheng Large-Scale Sculpture Exhibition
尋找光明-王曉勃個展 暨 蔡尉成大型雕塑特展
Searching for Light: Wang Xiao-Bo Solo Exhibition and Tsai Wei-Cheng Large-Scale Sculpture Exhibition
展出藝術家 Artists|蔡尉成 Tsai Wei-Cheng、王曉勃 Wang Xiao-Bo
展覽日期Exhibition Date|2020/06/06 (六) - 07/26(日)
展覽時間Exhibition Time|週二至週日11:30-20:00 (週一公休Mon. Closed)
展覽地點Exhibition Venue|大雋藝術
No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan (R.O.C)
1971年出生台中清水區的台灣當代雕塑家蔡尉成,於1997年開始將西遊記中經典角色「孫悟空」作為創作母題,賦予幽默多元的外觀特質,結合深厚東方哲思及人文底蘊,傳遞其處世宏旨。蔡尉成作品曾於紐約、北京、東京、新加坡、台北等海內外重要城市展出,2017年更登上全球指標性藝術殿堂威尼斯雙年展的舞台。其作品《了不起》典藏並展示於澳門摩珀斯(Morpheus)酒店大廳,該酒店為知名女建築師Zaha Hadid代表作,被《時代雜誌》選為「2018年世界最佳景點」之一。本次特展匯集了蔡尉成從2012年至今的經典代表作品《逍遙仙》、《水花》、《滿意》、《若知愚》、《千年》等,囊括【72】、【天空】、【情慾】三個不同時期的創作系列,首度以大型雕塑的量體形式同場曝光,呈現破格新面貌,邀您一覽風格轉變與視覺張力!
Introduction to Searching for Light: Wang Xiao-Bo Solo Exhibition
Searching for Light is a term that seems straightforward and simple but actually conveys the perseverance and courage involved in the search for truth. Throughout the journey of self-growth, the light of truth is what guides us closer to our dreams. The path of life is filled with twists and turns; only by enduring the disarray and darkness can we learn to appreciate the existence of light. Furthermore, the sparkle of light usually comes from treasures that we have long overlooked.
Internationally-renowned artist Wang Xiao-Bo has been devoted to drawing since graduating from the oil painting department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2000. Wang’s works have been shown all around the world, including the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Biennale of Sydney, Los Angeles Art Show, and Berlin NordArt. Wang is named as “one of the most valuable 70s artists in Chinese contemporary art.” Wang Xiao-Bo will be presenting his first solo exhibition in Taiwan in 2020, presenting the works of his new art series Searching for Light and Visual Field. Wang captures the mysteriousness and majesty of humanity through an artistic perspective and fully implements that concept of “art stems from life.” Having gone through the madness and rebelliousness of youth, the establishment of a home with a loved one, and the birth of his child, Wang is now around forty years old, and his temperament has gradually turned from radical to tranquility. Through the refinement and development of life experiences, Wang continues to explore the connection between life and society through inner contemplation. Wang’s works display the transformation of space and time, with the only element that remains unchanged as the pursuit of the ideal spiritual state. Just as the artist stated: “Life is filled with ups and downs, but I hope we can all find a light of our own.”
Tsai Wei-Cheng Sculpture Exhibition
Born in Qingshui District, Taichung in 1971, Taiwanese contemporary sculptor Tsai Wei-Cheng began creating works based on “Sun Wu-Kong,” the classic character from Journey to the West, in 1997. By combining humor with the profound philosophy and culture of the east, Tsai’s creations convey the artist’s broad perspective on life. Tsai’s works have been displayed in New York, Beijing, Singapore, Taipei, and various major cities both domestic and abroad, and was even showcased at the Venice Biennale, the world-renowned stage for international art. Tsai’s It’s Great is collected and displayed at the Morpheus Hotel in Macau, which is a representing work of famous female architect Zaha Hadid and was named by Times Magazine among “World's 100 Greatest Places” in 2018. This exhibition displays Tsai’s works since 2012, such as Unrestrained Fairy, Spray, Satisfaction, Stay Foolish, and Millennium, which are from the three creative series: 72, Sky, and Erotic Desire, and different stages of Tsai’s career. This is the first time that Tsai’s large-scaled works are displayed as a collective, enabling groundbreaking presentation that invites viewers to witness the artist’s style changes and theatrical visual presentation.
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