大雋藝術 Rich Art
【《美好的小混亂》當代六人聯展 Beautiful Chaos by _____. Group Exhibition】

日期:2024-05-04 ~ 2024-06-30
茲德涅克・康芙娜、陳莉、傅寧、Eve Suh、Eric Stefanski、David Rosado
“Beautiful Chaos by ________.” Contemporary Art Group Exhibition
藝術家 Artists
Zdenek Konvalina
Kebeyo Chen 陳莉
Fu Ning 傅寧
Eve Suh
Eric Stefanski
David Rosado
⭐開幕派對 Opening Party|2024/05/04 (六) 15:00-18:00
大雋藝術特別邀請藝術家傅寧,現場分享其創作歷程。同時,開幕派對榮幸邀請到Soul Kitchen的Jeffrey 及Paul進行DJ表演,透過從封套中取出黑膠唱片到唱針落入音軌的過程,為純粹的聆聽增添了一份儀式感。此外,我們提供Laylow瓶裝調酒與佐酒餐車美食,讓您在藝術饗宴中體驗五感極致享受。誠摯歡迎您的蒞臨同歡!
Rich Art Gallery is delighted to invite artist Fu Ning to share her creative process on-site! Additionally, we are honored to have DJ Jeffrey and DJ Paul from Soul Kitchen to perform at the opening party. Their DJ performances will add a sense of ritual to the pure act of listening, from the moment the vinyl record is taken out of its sleeve to the needle carefully placing the needle on the groove. Moreover, we will provide Laylow bottled cocktails and snacks from food truck, allowing you to indulge in a sensory-rich experience during the art feast. We sincerely welcome you to join us for this celebration!
日期 Date|2024/05/04 (六) – 2024/06/30 (日)
時間 Time|週二至週日11:00-19:00 (週一公休)
地點 Venue|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery (408台中市南屯區惠文路489號)
Life is messy and beautiful, hard and humbling. It’s a collection of moments, a capture of everything.
大雋藝術於5月4日到6月30日推出《Beautiful Chaos by ____.》六人聯展,揭示且歌頌一首首名為「生活混沌之美」的詩—交織人生高峰、低谷、困惑和成長等各種情感思路。展名直譯「美好的小混亂」,意指藝術家複雜的心緒變化與生命經驗,精煉成一件件迷人創作;而在觀者眼中又將產生各異的感知面向,故命題特別設計「by ____」,突顯藝術使每個人思想解放,詮釋空間的自由無限性。
這次榮幸邀請到六位藝術家- Zdenek Konvalina(捷克)、陳莉Kebeyo(上海)、傅寧(台灣)、Eve Suh(韓國)、Eric Stefanski(美國)和David Rosado(葡萄牙),共同呈獻日常轉化為藝術創作的全新宇宙。Zdenek Konvalina通過獨特筆觸和鮮艷色彩,外化內心流淌的旋律,宛如一首動人古典樂章;陳莉Kebeyo透過反覆出現的獨創元素,巧妙穿織潛藏心靈的情感與能量,激發觀者想像力,成就全新的視覺體驗;傅寧作品藉真實生活與網絡社會的互動關係,傳達「新現實」概念,創造嶄新視角及連結;Eve Suh通過陶瓷雕塑創造出充滿幻想的世界,展現她對生活的詮釋 - 溫暖美麗但又脆弱;Eric Stefanski畫中不拘常規的直率言語回應對生活的反思,並以黑暗幽默對抗現實的渲染;David Rosado豐富多樣的媒材表現個人在環境中的獨特性,以及日常物品所承載的意義。
On view from May 4th to June 30th, 2023, Rich Art Gallery presents “Beautiful Chaos by ____.”, a mesmerizing group exhibition that uncovers the beauty of life – a collection of the highs, the lows, the confusion, the becoming. The exhibition title was intentionally designed with “by ____.”, a space behind to emphasize how art liberates everyone’s thoughts and make a statement about the boundless freedom of art. Featuring six artists - Zdenek Konvalina (Czech Republic), Kebeyo Chen (Shanghai), Fu Ning (Taiwan), Eve Suh (Korea), Eric Stefanski (America) and David Rosado (Portugal) – the exhibition collectively presents viewers with a universe in which everyday experiences are converted into artistic creations.
Zdenek Konvalina externalizes the melodies that flow within his heart through unique brushstrokes and vibrant colors as if one were melting by the surrounding classical music; Kebeyo Chen skillfully intertwines hidden emotions and energies of the soul through the special elements that recur in her works, capturing the imagination of viewers and offering a wholly new visual experience; Fu Ning utilizes the interaction between real-life and the Internet to convey the concept of a "new reality", created fresh perspectives and connections; Eve Suh’s ceramic sculptures created a fantastical realm that embodies her expression of life, warm and beautiful yet delicate; Eric Stefanski’s unconventional and straightforward language shows a rendering of life and confronts the reality with a dark sense of humor; the variety of materials applied by David Rosado highlighted the uniqueness of individual within the environment, as well as the greater significance of objects can hold in our dailies.
Life is both a beautiful chaos and a chaotic beauty. Perhaps things may appear to be a mess, but in reality, they are all gracefully arranged, and that’s why life continually brings surprises and excitement. The vibrant works in the show, which span from paintings to sculptures, figurative to abstract, symbols to landscapes, are a celebration of the authentic moments of daily experiences. This group exhibition invites viewers to be fully immersed in these exceptional pieces. -
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【Joie de vivre! 國際當代藝術家聯展】Joie de vivre! Contemporary Art Group Exhibition
日期:2023-07-22 ~ 2023-09-16|台灣,台中市