大雋藝術 Rich Art
【2023 Art Taipei 台北國際藝術博覽會|大雋藝術 展位 Booth D09】

ART TAIPEI台北國際藝術博覽會於1992年成立至今,已然成為亞太地區國際藝術趨勢交流的重要盛會,作為台灣最悠久的指標藝術市場平台,大雋藝術有幸自2018年起連續五年獲選參與。今年,大雋藝術將持續以推廣海內外國際優質藝術家為己任,於展位D09攜手七位來自歐亞多國的當代藝術家群——蔡尉成、王曉勃、林俊彬,以及白田誉主也、曹圭訓、茲德涅克・康芙娜與陳莉,展現跨70、80世代的對話與連結,兩世代擁有其對世界特殊的洞察與提問。本次將予以奠基展區特質,其精神內蘊透過各自媒材進行演繹,並與時俱進地與觀者共同見證著藝術與生活密不可分的關係。
ART TAIPEI was established in 1992 and has since become a significant event for art trends in the Asia-Pacific region. As Taiwan's most iconic art market platform, Rich Art Gallery has had the honor of participating continuously for five years since 2018. This year, Rich Art will collaborate with seven contemporary artists from various countries in Europe and Asia to showcase their latest artworks at Booth D09, includeing represented artists Tsai Wei-Cheng, Wang Xiao-Bo, Lin Chin-Pin as well as Hakuta Yoshuya, Jo Gyuhun, Zdenek Konvalina, Kebeyo, showcasing a dialogue and connection between the generations of the 70s and 80s. These two generations possess their unique insights about the world. The exhibition aims to establish a foundation that presents their unique artistic medium, keeping pace with the times and proving that the relationship between art and life becomes inseparable.
〚 展出藝術家 Artists 〛
◊ 蔡尉成 Tsai Wei-Cheng
◊ 王曉勃 Wang Xiao-Bo
◊ 林俊彬 Lin Chun-Pin
◊ 白田誉主也 Hakuta Yoshuya
◊ 曹圭訓 Jo Gyuhun
◊ 茲德涅克・康芙娜 Zdenek Konvalina
◊ 陳莉 Kebeyo
〚 展覽日期Exhibition Date 〛
⋄ 10/20 Fri. 14:00-19:00
⋄ 10/21 Sat.-10/22 Sun. 11:00-19:00
⋄ 10/23 Mon. 11:00-18:00
〚 貴賓預展 VIP Preview 〛
⋄ 10/19 Thu. 12:00-21:00
⋄ 10/20 Fri. 11:00-14:00
〚 展覽地點 Venue 〛
Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1
(110台北市信義路五段五號 No. 5, Xinyi Rd., Sec.5, Taipei 110) -
view all大雋藝術 Rich Art
【Kiaf SEOUL|大雋藝術 展位P10】Kiaf SEOUL|Rich Art Gallery Booth P10
日期:2024-09-04 ~ 2024-09-08|國際,韓國
大雋藝術 Rich Art
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131 days left