大雋藝術 Rich Art
【2021 Art Taipei 台北國際藝術博覽會|大雋藝術 展位 Booth B01】

日期:2021-10-22 ~ 2021-10-25
2021年迎來第28屆ART TAIPEI台北國際藝術博覽會,作為亞洲最悠久的國際藝術博覽會,秉持帶給觀者最具國際視野的藝術脈動與更多樣的文化體驗,大雋藝術將加入參展行列,聚焦亞洲當代藝術面貌,本次除了發表大雋藝術代理藝術家蔡尉成、王曉勃、林俊彬最新力作,更規劃獨立展區,邀集台灣、日本、韓國、印尼當代藝術家群——黃麟詠、白田誉主也(Hakuta Yoshuya)、邊世喜(Byun Sehee)與Naufal Abshar展出其創作。全球共同歷經一年多來的波瀾,人類深刻感受到外在甚而內在世界的變化,藝術家們面對時況的感知,透過審視社會議題、探究自身文化內涵及自我對話的深層思考等不同面向之觀點,完成其作品命題與意象。
In 2021, Art Taipei will be entering its 28th year. As an international art fair with the longest history in Asia, Art Taipei insists on providing viewers with the most international and multivariate cultural experiences. Joining this effort, Rich Art will be focusing on the contemporary art of Asia. Apart from showcasing the latest works of Rich Art artists such as Tsai Wei-Cheng, Wang Xiaobo, and Lin Chun-Pin, the gallery is also arranging a separate exhibition space for up-and-coming artists from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and Indonesia: Huang Lin-Yung, Hakuta Yoshuya, Byun Sehee, and Naufal Abshar. With the turmoil across the world in the past year, people have become acutely aware of the changes in the outer and inner worlds. Equipped with unique sensitivity, these artists explore the social issues, cultural identity, and internal dialogues to delve into different viewpoints, which take shape and are completed in the imagery of their works.
台北國際藝術博覽會 ART TAIPEI 2021
大雋藝術展位 Rich Art Gallery Booth|B01
▍展出藝術家 Artists
蔡尉成(Tsai Wei-Cheng)、王曉勃(Wang Xiao-Bo)、林俊彬(Lin Chun-Pin)、白田誉主也(Hakuta Yoshuya) 、黃麟詠(Huang Lin-Yung)、邊世喜(Byun Sehee)、Naufal Abshar
▍展覽日期 Date
10/22 (五) 14:00-19:00
10/23(六)-10/24(日) 11:00-19:00
10/25(一) 11:00-18:00
▍貴賓預展 VIP Preview
10/21 (四) 15:00-21:00
10/22 (五) 11:00-14:00
▍展覽地點 Venue
(110台北市信義路五段五號 No. 5, Xinyi Rd., Sec.5, Taipei 110) -
view all大雋藝術 Rich Art
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