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藝文工作者,喜劇性格,老派思想,用力過著堅持與理想並進的人生。出生成長並現居創作於桃園。2002年起於泛視覺藝術領域謀生。2007年旅居法國尼斯。國立臺北教育大學 藝術與造形設計學系,藝術理論組,碩士。
2024年於國家人權博物館,白色恐怖綠島紀念園區策劃「在綠島,我們的世界不斷在開門」;2021年於台北當代藝術館藝術商店策畫「On The Other Hand」微型展,試問「我們不以為的以為是不是可以有另一種以為?」;2020年擔任「新光合成纖維50週年」系列活動藝術總監,以藝術開啟與傳統產業的對話;2019年擔任「綠島人權藝術季」協同策展人,並於展期間以隔週頻率擔任工作坊講師,有幸結識多位白恐前輩並獲得生命亮光;2018年擔任「 台北白晝之夜」視覺藝術統籌;2017年擔任「Serendipity 國際當代首飾巡迴展」巴黎站共同策展人,同年應台灣設計館之邀,以創作者身份參展「法式百年風華」發表「我在這裡,我在那裡( Je suis ici Je suis la )」創作計劃。
Art facilitator Phebea Chun-Yi Shen is a comical person who has a soft spot for old and nostalgic things. She is dedicated to living a life where she works hard to realize her dreams and ideals. Currently based in her hometown, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Shen has been working in the visual art industry since 2002, and she also lived in Nice, France in 2007. She holds a master’s degree from the Department of Arts and Design at the National Taipei University of Education, with a concentration in art theory.
In 2024, she curated the exhibition, Keep Opening Doors On the Green Island at the National Human Rights Museum. In 2021, she curated the micro-exhibition, On The Other Hand, at the MoCART Shop of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, seeking to explore alternative possibilities with people’s preconceived notions. In 2020, she served as Art Director of the “Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corp. 50th Anniversary Art Project,” where art was incorporated to engage in dialogues with a traditional industry. As a co-curator of the 2019 Green Island Human Rights Festival, she led bi-weekly workshops throughout the festival, which gave her opportunities to meet and become enlightened by many who had endured the White Terror period in Taiwan. Other experiences include working as a visual arts coordinator of the 2018 Nuit Blanche Taipei; co-curator of the Serendipity Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition in Paris in 2017; and she was invited by the Taiwan Design Museum to present the art project, “Je suis ici Je suis la,” at the exhibition, ATELIER × DESIGN IN FRANCE, in 2017.