


  • 《拾線美×實現美》阿波羅畫廊@台中藝術博覽會

    地點:台中日月千禧酒店, 台中市市政路77號
    展間 / 1117號
    參展 / 江漢東、陳家榮、洛貞、葉竹盛、高橋行雄、呂豪文、林玉雯
    主題 / 拾線美x實現美





    以「貓畫家」美名享譽國際的日本藝術家高橋行雄,曾連續十年獲選參展法國Le Salon,本為愛貓飼主的他,透過對貓咪細微的觀察,創作出一張張栩栩如生的貓的姿態。此次展覽中「貓的zz」便是他在2010年間運用色鉛筆,描繪出貓伸懶腰的柔軟和輕盈的姿態。






    ART Taichung
    Date: July 17th (fri) - July 19th (sun) 2020
    Opening Hours: 12:00-19:00 (until 18:00 on 19th)
    VIP Preview: 15:00-19:00 July 16th (thu) / By invitation only
    Location: Millennium Hotels and Resorts
    No. 77, Shizheng Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City, 40756

    Location: Room 1117
    Artists: CHIANG Han-Tung, Chen Jia-Rhon, LO Tsen, YEH Chu-Sheng, Yukio
    Takahashi, LU Haur-Wen, LIN Yu-Wen.
    Theme: Lines and Contours, Arts and Reality.

    ‘Line’ is the primary element of art creation, not only does it form shape, but also establishes form. At the ART Taichung 2020, the Apollo Gallery brings to you 7 artists, fusing mixed media with abstract and figurative arts, conceiving a sensational visual feast.

    One of the founders of Modern Graphic Art Association- CHIANG Han-Tung, focused his artwork on Chinese folktales. He utilised lines; bright, vivid colours; and three-dimensional effects as the fundamentals of his art to express a natural, childlike atmosphere. Step by step, CHIANG overcame his eye disease and brought the world a touch of joy. This collection includes oil paintings, wooden printmakings, and mixed medias from the 1960s-1970s, such as the ‘Affection’, the ‘The Cowherd and the Weaver’, and the ‘Ancestral Temple’.

    The late artist Dr. Chen Jia-Rhon spent most of his adulthood in the US. His artwork produces a sense of the abstract, complemented by skillful choices of soft colours and white, linear contours. The Chrstian artist-doctor performed his grand visions and passion for life in the art he created. One of the pieces ‘Rites of Springs’, shows the lively spirit of spring.

    Contributing greatly to the development of abstract art in Taiwan, the artist YEH Chu-Sheng has shifted his style from the vastly profound towards a more tempered expression. Throughout the process, his unique attributes are presented through his collection of works with strong, energetic characters. For instance, the ‘Come true’ (No.48,49), and the ‘Trial No.18’, with contrasting colours and markings.

    The Japanese ‘Cat Artist’ Yukio Takahashi, has been recognized internationally for his delicate portraits of cats. Takahashi has been successively invited to the ‘Le Salon’ exhibition in Paris for a decade. Being a loving cat owner himself, he captures countless moments and figures of cats. The collection presented,‘Cat’s ZZ’ from 2010, he interprets with colour pencil the softness and nimbleness of a cat’s movement.

    The female artist LO Tsen has been actively involved in the art industry since the 1980s. She is most acclaimed for ink paintings; her process may be explained as two categories of five stages. ‘A continuous rotation’ analyses her evolving art style across a decade from 2011. Among LO Tsen’s collection, the ‘Autumn Song’ from 2016 with ink and colours on xuan paper, performs an extended, uninterrupted scene formed by delicate, thin lines.

    The sculpture and body painting artist LU Haur-Wen, has an extraordinary style of art cultivated through experiencing and observing life and the human body. The works ‘Apache’ and ‘Look Up’ show how he changes sizing, and focuses on simplicity in his art.

    The young artist LIN Yu-Wen had decided to concentrate on abstract art since college. With her detail-oriented personality and self experience, the colourful and eye comforting collection ‘Horizon’ was created. Moreover, the ‘Take a Break’ acrylic collection uses clean lines to bring a refreshing vibe to the art sphere.

    All dear visitors and collectors are welcome to take part in this art fair. Have a close look at the lines and contours around the subjects that each artist elaborates in their art. During the ongoing and unprecedented global pandemic, ART Taichung manages to continue operating as usual. Many artists and the Apollo Arts Gallery revisit what art means to people and the society, hoping to gather all passionate art lovers and enjoy the bliss that art brings to us together.

    Room 1117 at the ART Taichung, we are waiting for you!



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