1929 出生於福建省長汀,中國
2009 逝世於臺北榮總,臺灣
1952 臺北師範學院藝術科畢業,臺灣
2004 作品刊於文建會策畫藝術家雜誌出版社出版的《台灣現代美術大系—鄉土意識版畫》
2002 Taipei Review專訪,「兄弟」作品獲刊於雜誌封面
1983 謝里法編纂「二十世紀台灣畫壇名家作品集」中,與席德進並列為「現代派繪畫運動得主導畫家」
1955 師李仲生入其畫室研究現代繪畫
1956 與畫友秦松創辦「現代版畫會」
2007 江漢東八十回顧展,臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣
2005 江漢東的版畫世界,阿波羅畫廊,臺北,臺灣
2003 江漢東創作懷念展,阿波羅畫廊,臺北,臺灣
1997 江漢東油畫新作展,阿波羅畫廊,臺北,臺灣
1977 江漢東七十回顧展,臺灣省立美術館(現為國立台灣美術館),臺中,臺灣
1995 江漢東95個展-油畫、版畫、多媒材,阿波羅畫廊,臺北,臺灣
1993 江漢東93年新春特展,阿波羅畫廊,臺北,臺灣
1992 於奧地利國家人文博物館舉行個展,阿波羅畫廊主辦,文建會贊助,維也納,奧地利
1987 個展,東之畫廊,臺北,臺灣
1985 於阿波羅畫廊舉行個展。並參加文建會國際版畫大展活動,作品深受法義美日等外籍評審等外籍評審重視,頗獲好評
1983 江漢東個展,阿波羅畫廊,臺北,臺灣
1982 個展,名門畫廊,臺中,臺灣
1979 個展,版畫家畫廊,臺北,臺灣
1973 於美國海軍醫院院長夫人華登夫人所辦「藝術家畫廊」舉行油畫個展
1968 個展,國立台灣藝術館(現為國立臺灣藝術教育館),臺北,臺灣
2020 臺中藝術博覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,臺中,臺灣
2019 臺中藝術博覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,臺中,臺灣
2018 臺北國際藝術博覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,臺北,臺灣
2016 藝術南京,阿波羅畫廊展位,南京,中國
2016 臺中藝術博覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,臺中,臺灣
2014 臺南藝術覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,臺南,臺灣
2014 上海城市藝術博覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,上海,中國
2014 成都藝術博覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,成都,中國
2014 臺北國際藝術博覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,臺北,臺灣
2014 高雄藝術博覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,高雄,臺灣
2013 臺北國際藝術博覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,臺北,臺灣
1998 應邀帝門中心主辦「再造版圖:臺灣現代版畫四十回顧展」,臺北,臺灣
1999 李仲生師生展,臺灣省立美術館(現為國立臺灣美術館),臺中,臺灣
2009 獲總統褒揚令
2001 獲得第七屆李仲生基金會現代繪畫獎創作獎,獲獎人作品展
1974 榮獲全國畫學會金爵獎
1959 作品入選巴西聖保羅國際版版畫展
2015 返璞、歸真-江漢東,國立臺灣美術館發行
2011 開路先鋒-江漢東紀念展,國立歷史博物館發行
2007 江漢東八十回顧展,臺北市立美術館發行
1997 江漢東七十回顧展,臺灣省立美術館(現為國立臺灣美術館)發行
1993 江漢東的繪畫世界,阿波羅畫廊發行
Chiang Han-Tung
1929 Born in Fujian
2009 Passed away
1952 Graduated from National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan
2004 Chiang’s works are published in the Taiwan Modern Art Series, planed by the Council for Cultural Affairs.
2002 “Brothers” used as cover for Taipei Review
1983 Works appeared in Works by Famous 20th Century Taiwan Artist, compiled by Shaih Li-Fa, and was also named of the “Leading Artists of the Modernist Movement” with Shiy De-Jinn.
1956 Established the Modern Printmaking Society with Song Qin
1955 Joined Zhongsheng Li’s studio
Solo Exhibitions
2022 “The Future of Memory” Art Taipei Special Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 Remembrances of the Mind – Chiang, Han-Tung Wood-Cut Solo Exhibition at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 90 Year Memorial Exhibition at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 Memorial exhibition at National Museum of History, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 “Chiang Han-Tung 80 year Retrospective” at Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2005 “Chiang Han-Tung’s Printmaking World” at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2003 Remembrance Solo exhibition at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1997 “Chiang Han-Tung Memorial Exhibition” at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1997 “Chiang Han-Tung 70 year retrospective” at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
1995 “Chiang Han-Tung 95 New Year Special Exhibition” at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1993 “Chiang Han-Tung 93 New Year Special Exhibition” at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1992 Held a solo exhibition at the “Austrian Museum of Mankind” in Austria
1987 Solo exhibition at East Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1985 Solo exhibition at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1983 Solo exhibition at Apollo Art Gallery for the gallery’s 5th anniversary
1982 Solo oil painting exhibition at Mingmen Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
1979 Solo exhibition at PMA Gallery
1973 Solo oil painting exhibition organised by Mrs.Walden, the wife of the President of the U.S. Naval Hospital
1968 Solo exhibition at National Taiwan Arts Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Joint exhibitions
2024 ART TAIPEI, Apollo Art Gallery Booth, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 "Taiwanese Art Treasures Preserved Overseas" The Homecoming Exhibition of the Sun Ten Collection at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2021 “Fireworks” ART TAIPEI, Apollo Art Gallery Booth, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 ART TAICHUNG, Apollo Art Gallery Booth
2019 ART TAICHUNG, Apollo Art Gallery Booth, Taichung
2019 “Limitless” exhibition at Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts, Collaboration between Apollo Art Gallery & Taiwan Business Bank, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 ART TAIPEI, Apollo Art Gallery Booth, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Art Nanjing, Nanjing, China
2016 ART TAICHUNG, Taichung, Taiwan
2014 Participated in : ART TAINAN, Shanghai Art Expo, Art Chengdu, ART TAIPEI, ART KAOHSIUNG (Apollo Art Gallery booth)
2013 ART TAIPEI, Apollo Art Gallery Booth, Taipei, Taiwan
1999 “Zhongsheng Li Teacher and Student” exhibition at National Taiwan Museum
1998 Hosted "Redesigning the Layout: Forty Retrospective Exhibition of Taiwan Modern Printmaking” at Dimensions Art Centre
2009 Receives praise from the Presidential Palace
2001 Won the 7th Li Zhongsheng Foundation Modern Painting Award
1974 Won the Golden Goblet Award of the National Painting Society
1959 Works selected for Printmaking exhibition in Sao Paulo, Brazil
2015 Publication of “Recover one's original simplicity: Chiang Han-Tung” published by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
2011 Publication of “Pioneer of Modern Taiwanese Woodcut Art:A Memorial Exhibition of Han-Tung Chiang” published by Published by the National Museum of History
2007 Publication of “Chiang Han-Tung 80 year Retrospective” published by Taipei Fine Arts Museum
1997 Publication of “Chiang Han-Tung 70 year Retrospective” published by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
1993 Publication of “Chiang Han-Tung's painting world” published by Apollo Art Gallery
【花火 Fireworks】阿波羅畫廊@台北國際藝術博覽會 ,阿波羅畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【追憶的心象 】江漢東版畫個展 ,阿波羅畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【拾線美×實現美】阿波羅畫廊@台中藝術博覽會 ,阿波羅畫廊 ,台中市 ,台灣
【無盡】大稻埕國際藝術節畫展 ,阿波羅畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【ART TAIPEI 2018《一起走過的年代》畫廊40週年特展】 ,阿波羅畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【圖像與台灣-台開版畫典藏展】Image and Taiwan – TLDC Print Collection ,台開築空間 ,台北市 ,台灣
【綺麗視野】江漢東九十紀念展 ,阿波羅畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣
【Dawn and Then—開陽】好思當代大師經典展 ,好思當代 ,台北市 ,台灣
【三月 典藏展】 ,M畫廊 ,台北市 ,台灣