


  • 展期

    日期:2020-07-17 ~ 2020-08-23

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 《有譜計劃:從藝術作為方法到ALIA作為方法》(以下簡稱《有譜計劃》)將亞洲藝術院校聯盟(以下簡稱ALIA)關係網絡視為樂譜,透過製作「盒子-譜2」單元模組,實現校際共同的藝術傳遞計劃。



    今年5月,北藝大從收到的9個盒子中選擇蘇黎世藝術大學的「盒子-譜2」加以實現。該校的「盒子-譜2」名為《實踐1:樂譜/腳本》,是一份以深陷疫病威脅的全球處境為主題的跨域教學計劃書。北藝大將它實現為《疫病、群集、樂譜、指令、表演、無限工作坊》,內容包含三大部分:一、〈前置研究工作坊〉(講師:李尚仁、謝杰廷、王德瑜、郭昭蘭);二、〈跨域共創工作坊:帶著口罩的人們/在哼著什麼?〉(講師:余政達);三、〈生物藝術展演性探索〉(講師:林沛瑩、宮保睿、顧廣毅、曹存慧)。最終《疫病、群集、樂譜、指令、表演、無限工作坊》創造出蘇黎世藝術大學《實踐1:樂譜/腳本》的演繹及即興片刻,使它在時間中成為源頭,並停留在時間之中 。



    SCORE: Moving from “Art as Method” toward “ALIA as Method” project (hereinafter called the ‘SCORE’) takes Asian League of Institutes of the Arts (hereinafter called the ‘ALIA’) network as a score. With “Box as Score2” as modules, it creates an artistic transmission process between schools.

    Founded in 2012, ALIA is an international art school organization with Taipei National University of the Arts (hereinafter called the ‘TNUA’) as the current chair. In the planetary context, ALIA as a network contains a spatial and temporal significance.

    At the 2018 member meeting of ALIA in Istanbul, TNUA initiated the “ALIA as Method” project. In the ALIA board meeting in Seoul next year, TNUA announced the SCORE project. After receiving a box from TNUA, member schools can put in materials or non-materials in various arbitrary ways, and send the “Box as Score2” back to TNUA in early 2020. Without sacrificing individuality and difference, these boxes and the coupled with scores perform multiple characters, including region, art, connection, dialogue, difference, temporality, continuum, and common.

    In May 2020, TNUA chose to enact the Box as Score2 from Zurich University of the Arts. It was a lesson plan named “Paxis 1: Score/scenario” , a reflective project to the pandemic situation . It reflected timely on global contingency, and facilitated a “Pandemic, Score, Assembly, Instruction, Performance, Infinite Workshop” in TNUA with local context and awareness. It contains three parts: “Preparatory Workshop” (instructors: Shang-Jen Li, Chieh-Ting Hsieh, Te-Yu Wang, Jau-Lan Guo), “Interdisciplinary Co-creation Workshop - What People with Face Masks Are Humming?” (instructor: Cheng-Ta Yu), and “Bioart Performance Exploration” (instructors: Pei-Ying Lin, Paul Gong, Kuang-Yi Ku, Theresa Tsun-Hui Tsao).

    When responding or “enacting” scores, interpreters are also co-creators behind the scores. Rather than simply expressing, they complete these scores. Therefore, enacting is not auxiliary to scores. Scores enable and drive live performance and other objects. In this sense, Pandemic, Score, Assembly, Instruction, Performance, Infinite Workshop in TNUA creates interpretation and impromptu moment for Paxis 1: Score/scenario from Zurich University of the Arts.

    SCORE exhibition uses the globe space on the fourth and fifth floor in Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, TNUA, to perform “ALIA as Method”. Gallery 401 presents the project from the beginning, production and transportation of Box as Score2 to how TNUA performing the lesson plan from Zurich University of the Arts. Gallery 501 includes results from Interdisciplinary Co-creation Workshop - What People with Face Masks Are Humming?. Bioart Performance Exploration and “Music Underwater” by I-Shuo Lin (the Box as Score2 by TNUA), are performed and presented at the exhibition opening.

    As Hendrik Folkerts said in Sound Matters talk by Spring Foundation, Scores always wait for future performance. Performance always connected to the scores, and breaking time order at the same time. Based on this flexibility on time order, SCORE project sees all engagements among ALIA members as the relationship between scores and enactment. Since Any enactment of a score irrevocably invokes the status of the score as origin, that becomes and remains in time, ALIA members stay open and inclusive to the network, and the real effects of the Score will extend endlessly.

    SCORE will develop its notational language through publishing its album to notate materials, non-materials, and the beauty that moves, even though it is yet never fully captured in the notational language.

    國立臺北藝術大學 關渡美術館 四、五樓

    SCORE: Moving from “Art as Method” toward “ALIA as Method”
    Curator: Jau-Lan Guo
    4,5F, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts

    07/17 17:00 /// Opening 直播連結 ///



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