【跨域與融合—黃歌川百歲紀念巡迴展(台北場)】Transdisciplinarity and Fusion KO CHUAN HUANG Centennial Memorial Touring Exhibitions

日期:2020-08-01 ~ 2020-11-01
台北市信義區松隆路 327號10樓之1
佛光緣美術館台北館 (佛光山台北道場十樓)
時間:週二至週日10 : 00 ~ 20 : 00免費參觀 (週一休館)
地址:台北市信義區松隆路 327號10樓之1
【教育推廣活動一 / 開幕座談會暨現場導覽】
時 間:2020年8月1日(六)下午2:00
主 持 人:廖新田 / 國立歷史博物館館長
與 談 人:黃河清 / 展出藝術家黃歌川之子
呂松穎 / 文化部文化資產局專員
【教育推廣活動二 / 藝術專題講座】
時 間:2020年10月4日(日)下午2:00 – 3:30
講 題:「與法同行」閱讀達摩之圖像藝術
主講人:郭祐孟 / 圓光佛學研究所教師、圓光藝文館執行長
Transdisciplinarity and Fusion
KO CHUAN HUANG Centennial Memorial Touring Exhibitions (Second Station : Taipei)
As art has developed into an era of diversification and trans-disciplinary creations, Ko Chuan Huang (K.C. Huang) with his life-long commitment to art innovation started his path as an artist 60 years ago. Finally, his artistic career has successfully crossed to “Ancient Batik Craft and Modern Painting”, “Zen Culture and Contemporary Art”; fusing “Oriental Painting and Western Mixed Media”, “Oriental Ink and Western Oil Painting”. As a result, Huang created four major new genres in painting: Ice-Crack Batik Painting, Dharma Zen Painting, Multimedia Modern Painting and Oil-Based Chinese Ink Painting.
To commemorate Huang’s centennial memorial, this exhibition aims to shed light on how Huang, in carving out a new path for traditional art, managed to bridge the old and the new, fuse the essence of Oriental and Western art, and achieve the mission of inheriting from the past and initiating a new future. His persistence on innovation and his artworks can serve as a model for later generations.
Transdisciplinarity and Fusion: KO CHUAN HUANG Centennial Memorial Touring Exhibitions (Second Station : Taipei)
Exhibition Dates: 2020-8-1〜2020-11-1
Opening Ceremony & Panel Discussion
Date : 1 Aug 2020 at 14.00
Topic : Ko Chuan Huang’s arts innovation roadmap
Moderator; LIAO Hsin-tien / General-Director of National Museum of History
Huang Hou-ching / Ko Chuan Huang’s son
Lu Song-ying / Specialist of Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture
Special lecture on Dharma’s image arts
Date : 4 Oct 2020 at 14.00 – 15.30
Guo Yo-meng / Teacher of Yuan Kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies,
CEO of Yuan Kuang Arts & Culture Center
Exhibition and Event Venue: Fo Guang Yuan Taipei Art Gallery (Fo Guang Yuan Taipei Virhara 10F)
Tel:+886- 2-2760-0222
Add:10F-1, No. 327, Songlong Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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【台灣藝壇國寶黃歌川百歲世紀展】The Centenary Exhibition by Taiwan National Treasure Artist KO CHING HUANG
日期:2019-04-23 ~ 2019-05-05|台灣,台北市