
CC Gallery

【Q-徐鈺樺個展】 “Q” Martin Hsu solo exhibition

  • 展期

    日期:2021-01-07 ~ 2021-02-27

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • Q-徐鈺樺個展
    “Q” Martin Hsu solo exhibition
    展出時間 | Time to Exhibit 2021.01.07-02.27
    開幕時間 | Opening 2021.01.23 (六) 15:00-17:00
    展出地址 | Location 台北市中山區松江路259巷24號

    大寫字母「Q」是藝術家徐鈺樺,在這動盪的時代中特別創作帶給朋友與家人的全新系列作品。戴有櫻花且充滿力量的小女人象徵著希望與幸福,穿著佈滿牡丹花烏干紗的連衣洋裝,靈感來自台灣的花卉紡織品以及亞歷山大·麥昆(Alexander McQueen)。美人魚,仙女,動物和小精靈都擁有能在世界混沌時帶給人平安的力量,不再受到傷害。櫻花的盛開為我們祈福,提醒我們要保持信念,在其中找到和平。

    I can’t help it. What I want is for you to smile and be happy.”
    2020 is a year most of us will never forget. What do you miss? Who do you love?
    Q, a new collection of works by Martin Hsu is dedicated to our families and friends in these uncertain times. Mighty little women are symbols of hope and happiness in full bloom, wearing silk organza peony dresses inspired by Taiwanese floral textile and Alexander McQueen. Mermaids, fairies, animals and sprites are kindred spirits that keep us safe from harm when the world feels dark and precarious. Cherry Blossom wishes are beautiful blessings that remind us to keep faith and find peace within.
    Created entirely in quarantine, Martin hopes these exquisite and whimsical new works bring you and loved ones joy, happiness, and some peace of mind in 2021 and on.
    Stay safe and be well.

    展出藝術家 | Artists 徐鈺樺 Martin Hsu
    1978年於台灣出生的徐鈺樺 (Martin Hsu) 現定居舊金山,過去十幾年來全心投入深具個人特色的藝術創作,可以說是現在美國西岸最為活躍的亞洲藝術家之一。自大學攻讀動畫學位畢業後, Martin 曾為迪士尼電視動畫和 Nickelodeon 擔任專業角色設計師。除此之外他還曾擔任各式兒童出版品及博物館展覽活動的插畫家。目前也正逐步擴展自己的藝術生涯規畫,在全美各式藝廊活動中嶄露頭角,一些主流展覽中都可見到他的作品,包括三麗鷗的 50 週年紀念展、Hello Kitty 35 週年紀念展及40 週年紀念展、迪士尼的 WonderGround 畫廊等。

    Marin Hsu is an Asian American artist living and working in San Francisco, CA. He fell in love with drawing at his grandparents' house while growing up in Taiwan. In 1991, Martin moved to the U.S. with his parents due to health reasons that completely changed his life.
    Martin graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Animation from California State University in Fullerton, and worked professionally as a character designer for Nickelodeon and Disney TV Animation.

CC Gallery徐鈺樺


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CC Gallery


日期:2023-03-10 ~ 2023-04-01|台灣,台北市