
CC Gallery


  • 展期

    日期:2023-03-10 ~ 2023-04-01

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 週日卡通流行於90年代出生的印尼孩童之間。我作為出生於90年代的一份子,已經習慣於觀看許多西方及日本動畫。由於小時候看過許多的動畫,培養了我強烈的想像力及幻想。現在我知道我為什麼成為藝術家。日本動畫給予我對未來的想法,從「多啦A夢」開始,擴大了我對未來嶄新可能性的好奇心;亦或是「原子小金剛」,一個拯救世界的未來機器人激勵了我,以及更多的想像力激起我的幻想。

    Sunday cartoons were a pop cultural phenomenon among Indonesian children born in the 1990s. As someone born that year, I have grown accustomed to watching many Western and Japanese animations.
    Since I watched so many cartoons as a child, I developed a strong sense of imagination and fantasy.
    Now I know why I became the artist that I am today. Japanese animation has given me ideas for the future, starting with Doraemon, who expands my sense of wonder about new possibilities for the future, or Astroboy, who inspires me with future robots that save the world, and many more imaginations that fuel my fantasies.
    I have been interested in pop culture since I was in college in 2013. I began to learn about pop culture through college courses, magazines, and observing works of art in exhibitions. I was blown away by the works of local pop artists at the time. When I saw the artwork, it took me back to my childhood fantasies. My admiration for bright, cheerful, imaginative colours prompted me to experiment with pop art.
    Until 2019, I had a deep understanding that brainwashed my initial knowledge of pop culture.
    I now see pop culture as much more intimate and directly relevant to everyday life.
    Every time I walk through the streets of the city where I live, I am frequently reminded of the numerous pop cultures I come across that I had never considered before. I see eating places with instant noodle logos, iced tea in plastic, traffic jams, and various nearby human cultures.
    I had an experience when I stopped at a red-light intersection. One of the fictional figures from Japanese and Western cartoons that has strongly influenced my imagination of heroic figures and future possibilities approached me and begged while handing me a can of biscuits.

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