【崔瓉琡個展 | 疊加量子位元到亞當】

日期:2020-12-19 ~ 2021-01-09
崔瓉琡直接挑戰了西方的思維方式,在她看來,我們可從物質中尋找非物質,並在傳統哲學中發現一個關於自然與文化,技術與藝術,歷史與未來之間關係的價值。(節錄文字/ 許煜)
展期:2020年12月19日 – 2021年1月9日
? 土壤是為數據,從量子位元到亞當?
? 藝術家 |崔瓉琡
崔瓚琡於柏林藝術大學取得視覺傳達和媒體藝術學士與碩士學位。她於2008年由Bibliart和柏林佩加蒙博物館舉辦的國際媒體藝術比賽中獲得了首獎,並獲得了由柏林市贊助的青年藝術家支持計劃Elsa Neumann獎學金。 2017年,柏林城市博物館的Otto llse-Augustin基金會授予視覺藝術家獎予以崔瓉琡。
崔瓚琡作為2010年首爾藝術文化基金會贊助的年輕藝術家支持計劃NArT的入選藝術家,並於其私人蒐藏中展出。2012年崔瓚琡被Sungok美術館選中為明日之星。 2015年獲得Gallery Loop的年輕藝術家獎,以及2017年獲得首爾美術館的年輕藝術家支持計劃。崔瓚琡以多向且跨域的方法論進行針對移民遷徙的心理的研究和人類記憶作為媒材的敘事實驗,以及表演,演出於許多重要場域,如韓國國家劇院,沙川銀河當代藝術博物館,REAL DMZ項目,奧爾胡斯藝術節,柏林洪堡論壇,柏林格林博物館,首爾Art Sonjae中心和江原國際雙年展2018等。
? https://chansookchoi.com/
? 策展人|李彥儀
時間:2020年12月22日 5PM-7PM
與談人Speaker:李彥儀 (策展人)、致穎(藝術家)
? 藝術家研究方法工作坊
? 此工作坊專為性別認同為為女性者規劃
時間:2020年12月25日 1PM-5PM
工作坊規劃:李彥儀(策展人)、 徐詩雨台北當代藝術中心策展人)
? 報名表單:https://forms.gle/ejtjg59jLEKBXKhT8
贊助單位:Otto und Ilse Augustin Foundation, Home Hotel
Choi confronts our Western way of thinking with a perspective that searches in materials for the immaterial and discovers within traditional philosophies a value for the relationship between nature and culture, technology and art, and between history and future. (Extract text / Yuk Hui)
Exhibition duration: 2020/12/19 ~ 2021/1/9
Location: Digital Art Center, Taipei
Opening: 2020/12/19, 3PM
Land as data, Qbit and to Adam
Humans adapt to the way of occupying land and claiming ownership to the digital world. The way we conceptualize the ownerships of the land as resources are now being translated into databases. Yet such translation is not reversible as the states of land always accompanies temporal and ever changing events with multi-dimensional cross-influences. Chansook Choi here proposes to re-conceptualize land as qbit, with a coherent superposition of both 0 and 1 according to quantum mechanics.
? Artist | Chan Sook Choi
Chan Sook Choi received her Diploma's degree in Visual Communications and Media Art as well as her master's degree at University der Künste in Berlin. Choi won the grand prize at the international media art competition hosted by Bibliart and Pergamon Museums in 2008 and was selected for the Elsa Neumann scholarship, a young artist support program sponsored by the City of Berlin. 2017 She was granted as Visual Artist from the Otto llse-Augustin Foundation at the City Museum in Berlin.
Choi has also been conducting her narratology experimentations on psychological migration and the human memory as a medium through a multi and interdisciplinary methodological approach, in performances as the National Theater of Korea, Galaxy Museum of Contemporary Art Sacheon, REAL DMZ PROJECT Kunsthal Aarhus, Humbolt Forum Berlin, Grimmuseum Berlin, Art Sonjae Center Seoul and Gangwon international Biennale 2018, etc.
Since 2014 Represented by NONBerlin,Asia contemporary art platform in Berlin.
? Curator | Yen Yi Lee
Lee’s curatorial research focuses on the construction of failure, digital wasteland and new form of trust relationship. Her curatorial practices are oftentimes intimately associated with electronic music and party scenes. With her curatorial concepts at the core for inspiration, she bestows different forms of understanding toward the concepts upon visitors via selection of music genres and party planning, while proactively facilitating the material happening of crossover collaboration. She is the founder and chief editor of digital publication, HAGAI HUAKAI, Co-curator of 2020 Taipei Digital Art Festival, 01_LOVE.
⚗️Events and Workshops:
?Artist Talk | Chan Sook Choi
Time:2020/12/22, 5PM-7PM
Location:Digital Art Center Taipei
Artist:Chan Sook Choi
Speakers:Yen Yi Lee(Curator)、Musquiqui Chihying(Artist)
? Workshop of Artistic Research |Artistic research for women creators
? This workshop is designed for people who identified as female.
Time:2020/12/25, 1PM - 5PM
Location:Taipei Contemporary Art Center
Host: Chan Sook Choi(Artist)
Organizer:Yen Yi Lee(Curator)、 Shihyu Hsu(Curator of TCAC)
Capacity: 12 participants
? Sign up here: https://forms.gle/ejtjg59jLEKBXKhT8
Organizer:Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government; Digital Art Center
Sponsors: Otto und Ilse Augustin Foundation, Home Hotel
Media Partner: HAGAI HUAKAI