【不限溫度 --- 陶文岳個展 】Soul to Soul Tao Wen-Yuhe solo exhibition

日期:2020-12-12 ~ 2021-02-07
“Le temps est vide, l’espace est plain.”(空間是滿的,時間是空的)
在筆觸與肌理間的淋漓,陶文岳更是創造畫布之上之下都突破常理的玩家,走筆形成色的軌跡,卻在肌理上利用無色的排刷,犁出一道道肌理的路徑,如同一陣風,吹拂著彩韻的臉龐,在肌理、色彩間拉出了距離 ,產生了既空靈卻無法忽略的存在,聯合視覺而激發的觸覺幻感,他跨越了二維,在畫面自身內部創造了一個觸摸不到、卻看得見的遠方的三維深度。
在物換星移之中,景色依舊,然而「時間未必是空的」,來去的人事物,不曾駐足停留,卻被永恆的記錄在陶文岳的臆想中、澄淨的畫作中、戀舊的夢境中,成就了滿室繽紛的「不限溫度」個展,這是一場關於時光憶往的狂歡宴 ,請接受陶文岳盛情的邀約。
“Le temps est vide, l’espaceest plain.”( The time is empty, the space is full.)
Says Tao Wen-Yueh, who lived and traveled in France more than 20 years. He said the space is always filled with the incident and happening. There are stories and blanks, no matter when and where.
Tao’s paintings process really subtle relationships of space in multiple aspects, perspectives and phases. Plenty of layers in the images, the diverse distance between audience and the painting moving back and forth as tango, the tremendous imaginary space in the creating progress and the affection and emotions brought from the paintings surround the audience’s mind.
“Colors are trap!” says Tao Wen-Yueh, the color has different volume, lights and shadow stimulate the brain create the illusion, the front and back orders stands out the major and the minors. The colors from Tao are unique and vibrant. The Chinese ink painting spirits reveals underneath the abstract paintings, the colors bricks clear and bright, shine out the Paris bourgeoisie style, gracefully and strong tones. The colors are played each by each as the symphony, leads the audiences walk into the hue structures that he built gradually, the vision is rolling with it, it is the space created by the color’s sequence.
Tao is also a brilliant magician playing with the texture, the usage of the material is beyond the painting on flat surface. He established a connection that outruns two-dimension between audience and artwork, between the strokes, he even patched too thick pigments, the dramatic lights effects appeared, constituted countless tiny sculptures on the fabric, it’s the space that dance with the beats and follows the light and shadow in the gaze of audience.
Express vividly throughout the strokes and textures, Tao is a pioneer that breaks the common sense either above or underneath the painting’s interface. His brushes pathbecame the color trace, but the transparent row brushes plows out the textures line by line. Just like the wind, breezing the cheek of the hue, blows out the distance between colors and textures on the surface, creates an ethereal but unignorable existence, unite the sense of sight, triggers the delusion of tactile, he reaches out to the third dimension, which is growing inside the painting, the depth that you can’t touch but still exists in audience’s eyes.
He wanders freely between realistic and abstract, Tao uses the contemporary symbols on the expressional hot abstract, he discarded the shape and loyal descriptions of the scene , follows the truth instinct with all his heart, the sensational glaze on the old Song ceramic, released into the immense universe under his brushes. His dream is an unreadable book, but he encodes the symbols and writes them within the philosophy, so the audience trace back into the unconsciousness and reform the puzzles through the clue from Tao, just as a game of decode. Out of the box , He creates the conversation flow between the real and the void, where the realistic and the abstract dissolved in the same time-space.
During the pass of time, the histories has happened are different but the world are still the same , however, “the time may not be empty”, passengers came and gone, but they are captured by Tao’s painting, in his wonderland, in his splendid paintings and in his nostalgic dreams, accomplished the “Soul to Soul”solo exhibition and the glamorous rooms filled by illuminating colors. This is a carnival about time, about reminiscence, please enjoy it with Tao Wen-Yueh’s fervent invitation.
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