【牛安 Ann Niu - 善之墨 Ink】台北首次個展
日期:2019-06-22 ~ 2019-08-31
台北市中山區八德路二段100號 Chens Art
中國文人賞石,進而畫石,又因石之不能言常佐以文字寄情。牛安以她獨有的細膩觀察,佐以純粹的心境將文字拆解成圖像及符號,為石訴情。 解構的文字,泛溢出原有的邊界、輪廓,構成富於畫面感的空間;景色、人形,如劇情提示般散落;出現的數字、符號或英語字母,呈現迷宮般的幽秘氣息。
Stone appreciation has a long tradition to Chinese literati. The allure is hidden in the serenity of the naturally occurring ores; close to telling a poetry on its own. By much as in a pure state of mind, Ann Niu disassembles the unspoken verse into strong strokes and symbolic impressions. Through a unique perceptive observation, she passes beyond the stone’s finite boundaries to ultimately reach the same tranquility. Her final artwork is filled with sceneries, scattered epics broken-down into letters and numbers; showing a labyrinth of secluded surroundings hidden in and around a stone. Hence, Ann Niu’s Ink works extricate the once unilateral relation with the viewer to become more of a story-teller.