【穿嶽石空 顏柯夫個展 】Rock'N Time Yan Kefu Solo Exhibition

日期:2021-03-27 ~ 2021-04-18
Rock'N Time
Yan Kefu Solo Exhibition
開幕茶會 Reception| 2021.03.27 (六) 3 pm
展覽期間 Duration | 2021.03.27-2021.04.18
展覽地點 Venue| 亞億藝術空間 AHM Gallery
開放時間 Time|每日13:00-19:00 (週一公休)
AHM Gallery collaborated with artist Yan Kefu, released Rock'N Time No.8 (Polyptych in nine) in France and Hong Kong in 2019. Stretching over 10 meters, these astounding artworks had attracted the attention of western audiences. Crossing the time and space of different cultures, Yan's works become a new chapter in artistic creation.
In 2021, AHM Gallery presents new artworks of the "Rock'N Time" and the "Pangu" series. The idea of the "Pangu" series comes from the ancient Chinese story, Pangu Separates the Sky from the Earth. Pangu is the originator of nature. The beginning of the sky and the land contains rich and profound culture, science, and philosophy. The artist depicts the origin of the universe, turning the DNA of these stones into a hot land, spreading endlessly, continuing the past and the present.
Yan Kefu is more than a stone. He can be mountains and rivers, only depending on the state of our mind. Yan Kefu has always loved hiking. The inspiration for "Rock'N Time" and "Fearless" series came from his interaction with mother nature. His works not only depict mountains and stones, but he also conveys the comprehension of life through the scenery.
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【石光重疊 卡佑民&顏柯夫 共同創作展】The Crossing of Time Kayoumin & Yan Kefu‘s Artistic Collaboration Exhibition
日期:2020-12-19 ~ 2021-01-10|台灣,台北市