

【鑿影者—棲身於日常的異鄉】Boring Shadow—Foreign in Daily Life

  • 展期

    日期:2021-03-27 ~ 2021-04-25

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 鑿影者——既是一個偷時光的賊,默默地擷取日常中那些既陌生卻又熟悉的場景,將它們拉進我們的視線之中;也是一個雕刻家,以光影為媒介,勾勒出眼中的景致。自上世紀50年代末起,在這香港這個彈丸之地上湧入了大量的人潮,口中的「家鄉」不再是遠在他方卻從未見過的那片草原,而成了腳下這塊踏實的土地。香港文化如此,香港水墨亦然。作為現代水墨藝術的發展中心,香港水墨是一種融貫東西與古今的產物。在這些作品中,現代生活中熟悉的場景與物件,被籠罩在一股恬適古意的風雅之中。這種異質交融的氣質,是香港藝術獨有的玩味。正如同鑿影者般,香港藝術家們以水墨為鑿刀與刻石,從日常生活中淬鍊出名為藝術的結晶,使之躍然與紙上。


    Shadow Borer——is a thief of time, who collects those scenes that are both familiar and unfamiliar to us, then bring those scenes into our sight; is a sculptor, who depicts what he saw via light and shadow. By the end of the 1950s, tons of people crowded into Hong Kong. To them, “hometown” is no longer indicating the prairie where is far far away. It is where they stand now. Like culture, like art. Being the center of contemporary ink art, Hong Kong ink art has fused the traditional and modern, western and eastern cultures. The daily views and objects nowadays have been shrouded with the refinement of tranquility. This hybrid characteristic is the unique rumination that Hong Kong art owns. Just like the Shadow Borer, Hong Kong artists use ink and paper as graver and stone, to refine the routine life into pieces of art. 

    We are delighted to invite you to enjoy those outstanding works made by the five young Hong Kong artists: Season Lao, Sam Cheng, Chan Kwan Lok, Cherie Ka-wai Cheuk, and Sui Ying Zaffer Chan in the soon coming exhibition: Boring Shadow——Foreign in Daily Life. In the exhibition, you will realize how these five artists show the uniqueness of Hong Kong ink art by transferring such media with a long heritage, into something fresh and modern. We are looking forward to seeing you, and believe that you will be fond of these works just like us. 






     開放時間|週二至週日(週一公休) 10.30-18.30 




    Boring Shadow——Foreign in Daily Life 

    Exhibition Duration|2020.03.27-04.25

    VIP Preview|03.26

    Attendees| Season Lao, Sam Cheng, Chan Kwan Lok, Cherie Ka-wai Cheuk, Sui Ying Zaffer Chan 


    Daguan Gallery  

    Opening Hours | Tue-Sun (closed on Mon) 10.30-18.30 

    Address | 16, Lane 69, Jingyeh 2nd Road, Taipei 

    MRT | Jiannan Road Station, Exit 2 

    Telephone | (02)8501-5677 



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