

【6太小聲 7太大聲 Either too Quiet or too Loud】

  • 展期

    日期:2021-05-15 ~ 2021-06-13

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 展期|2021.05.15-06.13

    「6太小聲 7太大聲」從關於聲音的細微生活經驗切入,每當我們試圖調整聲音大小時,音量鍵總是卡在那個調降一格聽不清楚,而調升一格就太吵的窘境。這或許是每個人與聲音最起初的微妙互動。而我們從無法駕馭,到最後勉強維持著左右橫跳的動態平衡。
    此次放映計畫是與香港錄映太奇的媒體藝術收藏資料庫(VMAC)、 鳳甲美術館 台灣國際錄像藝術展 (TIVA) 、台北當代藝術中心錄像廳Video Lounge合作。從三方機構所收錄的錄像作品資料庫中,挖掘曾經播放過的作品,用聽覺引領探索再放映的全新角度。這次選映香港與台灣兩地創作者的作品,除了呈現港台兩地創作者的獨特風貌,也試圖探索創作者在作品中巧妙的運用聲響效果,在影像中扮演的不同面向。是展示聽覺與視覺的和諧或衝突,對位或是錯置。也有主客易位,讓聽覺引領畫面,對觀者低聲吟唱或是嘶吼衝擊。即便是無聲的畫面,也能勾起觀者腦中不由自主的迴響。也希望透過這次的再放映,提供觀眾相較於視覺如此地斬釘截鐵不由分說的觀賞體驗,而是從不同角度切入再詮釋,享受側耳聆聽所帶來的曖昧臆測與想像空間。

    ● 香港錄映太奇
    錄映太奇為香港非牟利藝術團體。自一九八六年成立以來, 以推廣、創造及保存錄像和媒體藝術為旨,為媒體藝術工作者提供科技、 藝術及文化網絡,是本土媒體藝術的先鋒。 錄映太奇從最初以媒體藝術家集結點, 日漸發展成一個媒體藝術與文化的多元網絡, 為媒體藝術家提供一個國際性及跨範疇的藝術創作和交流平台。
    ● 台北當代藝術中心
    「TCAC 錄像廳」是鑲嵌於TCAC內部的多義性影像活動空間,旨在開放「作為檔案的影像」與「作為活動的影像」之間的聯繫可能性。它是一個多變的概念性空間,處於私密房間與公共空間之間的曖昧地帶;同時亦是一種併發於視、聽、肢體、皮層等官能性活動的影像症候群。TCAC 錄像廳是TCAC的浮動記憶體,它作為TCAC藝術家檔案室功能的全新延伸,提供一個讓研究者與錄像密切對話的私房場域。


    Either too Quiet or too Loud
    DATE|2021 May 15th- June 13th
    Wang Pei-Hsuang, Winnie Wai Yin YAN, Fiona LEE Wing Shan, LinTzu-Huan, Wu Tzuan, Betty Apple, Ni Hao, Chen I-Hsuen, Chen I-Chun, CHAN Ka Chi, Samson YOUNG, CHOI Sai Ho
    CURATOR|Hsiao Bochun

    This exhibition departs from a subtlety in the experience of sound: every time we try to adjust the volume, it seems like the volume button wedges us somewhere in-between, one click down is too quiet, but one click up is too loud. This is perhaps one of our fundamental interactions with sound: barely able to control it, always trying to maintain a balance.
    This screening is a collaboration between Hong Kong’s Videotage Media Art Collection (VMAC), Hong-Gah Museum’s video art biennial (TIVA), and Taipei Contemporary Art Center’s Video Lounge screening program. Previously screened video works were selected from the archives of these three institutions and re-screened as new, auditory explorations. In addition to presenting the unique perspectives of the Taiwanese and Hong Kongese artists included in the show, this exhibition explores their creative use of sound and the various roles that sound plays in their video work, from harmony to discord and from order to chaos. At times, subject and object swap roles, and sound becomes the protagonist, guiding the work through lulls of low whispers or climaxes of roaring intensity. At times, even silent scenes can trigger involuntary reverberations in the viewers’ minds. This re-screening attempts to create a space in which viewers can re-interpret the works from new perspectives by replacing visual experience, which leaves little room for interpretation, with the ambiguous and speculative experience of listening.

    ● Videotage
    Videotage is a leading Hong Kong-based non-profit organization specializing in the promotion, presentation, creation and preservation of new media art across all languages, shapes and forms. Founded in 1986, Videotage has evolved from an artist-run collective to an influential network, supporting creative use of media art to explore, investigate and connect with issues that are of significant social, cultural and historical value.

    ● Taipei Contemporary Art Center
    TCAC Video Lounge is a polysemous space for activities of and around moving images in Taipei Contemporary Art Center, opening the possibilities to engage and enact the concept of “image as archive” and “image as movement.” As a versatile space, it is a conceptual zone between a private room and public space with undefined destinations and determined aims—it is an imagery syndrome of the visual, audio, physical and cortical sensory activities. TCAC Video Lounge that functions as the floating memory space of TCAC is the new extension of artists’ archives, providing intimate encounters and dialogues between visiting researchers and video works.

    Supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council 
    (Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.)



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【法音清流: 陳世宗個展】

日期:2024-11-16 ~ 2025-01-12|台灣,台北市

39 days left



日期:2024-09-21 ~ 2024-11-03|台灣,台北市