
看海美術館 Seaside Gallery


  • 展期

    日期:2021-07-27 ~ 2021-09-05

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 看海美術館前身是屏東海口港的候船室,經過2年的修整,成為今日全台唯一玻璃帷幕的看海美術館,,春江獸月夜-阿咧特展為首展,在此展中,戶外將展出14米高的怪獸氣球,名為『春江』,直立高聳的14米怪獸背著行囊雙手環抱看海美術館,觀眾要登上三樓才能看到怪獸的正面,此次大型氣球作品的填色是阿咧親為,採寫實風格,難度極高,因填色的工法是逆向工程,形體未完成之前先繪製在版片然後才縫成形體,所以得靠立體概念想像繪製。這將是台灣第一件寫實氣球。

    特別感謝/ 青雨山房、豆油伯 - 六堆釀興業有限公司、達開、金色三麥、一覽芳華、墾丁長灘休閒飯店、樂木工作室

    Seaside Gallery is in a former passenger waiting room in Haikou Port in Pingtung County. After a two-year-long alteration to the building, it becomes Seaside Gallery, which is the sole museum installing glass curtain wall in Taiwan.
    A-Lei’s special exhibition of “CHUAN JIAN ” will be the first exhibition in the museum. During the exhibition, there will be a 14 meters high monster balloon displayed in the outdoor area. The 14 meters long monster was named CHUAN JIAN , who will towers over there with a packsack on his back and embrace Seaside Gallery with his hand. Visitors could climb up to the third floor to see the front of the monster.This time, A-Lei filled colors for the large balloon in person. He chose the realistic style to color it, which makes this work more challenging because filling colors is a reverse engineering that is needed to paint on the board before being sewed and shaped into a balloon. Therefore, it depends on a good sense of spacing to visualize. This work will be the first balloon made in realistic art style in Taiwan.

    In the museum, the ground floor will be the main display area of CHUAN JIAN exhibition, providing dozens of A-Lei’s three-dimensional artworks. Those vivid looks and the underlying humor show how A-Lei interpret monsters. On the second floor, we focus on A-Lei’s ink painting works. Lots of them are inspired by the features of Pingtung Haikou Port. Besides Fuan Temple, marine museum, even water chestnuts and pineapples were transformed into “creatures” in A-Lei’s art world.A-Lei’s ink painting skills and sculpturing skills merge together. On the one hand, his ink painting skills fully adapted into coloring sculptures and making ceramics. Even though only grayscale colors are used to glaze, the colors on A-Lei’s sculptures can become atmospheric through his imagination. On the other hand, building on the three dimensional thinking, A-Lei’s paintings surpassed the limits beyond time and space. Monsters in A-Lei’s iconic works are overlapping or transparent or huge. They live in different spaces, but vaguely interact with each other.

    主辦單位 Organizer | 屏東縣政府 Pingtung County Government
    策展單位Curator | 意識畫廊 Yesart Gallery

看海美術館阿咧春江獸月夜意識畫廊Seaside Gallery


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