【塔羅斯 篇章初見】唐唐個展

日期:2023-02-17 ~ 2023-03-26
『塔羅斯 篇章初見』唐唐個展
意識畫廊 2023 年的首次展覽將推出唐唐以機器人型為創作主軸的全新作品,這系列作品從2018年開始出現,不斷在唐唐腦海中演變,別於2016年個展『我們,記憶的想念』,是對過去不曾逝去時光記憶的喚醒,『塔羅斯 篇章初見』是關於未來記憶的設定,希臘神話中金屬巨人的塔羅斯,在一次戰役中流光神族的血而死,未來被有著模擬人類思想的晶圓重啟而甦醒,人性漸漸深植塔羅斯體內,於是機器與人再也無法分離。
Yesart Gallery is pleased to present our first exhibition in 2023 with Tang Tang’s brand new series. The brand-new series of works takes the humanoid robot as the main axis. These concepts have emerged since 2018 and have been constantly evolving in his mind. Different from the 2016 solo exhibition “ What we shared, nostalgia ” which awaken the memories of the past never passed away, the “Tarws” is about setting up of future memories.
Tarws, the metal giant in Greek mythology, bleed to death in a battle. In the future, he was awakened by a chip that simulates human thoughts. Since then, humanity has gradually been deeply rooted in Tarws. Machines and humans can no longer be separated.
In the 19th century, artificial intelligence was only a fiction. Robots in the 20th century were also just virtual 3D images in movies. But now, we are already put ourselves in the midst of it. Tang Tang’s imagination of the future is more like the retrieval of future memories. His inspirations for these works mostly come from classical sculpture, animations, and elements in movies that fascinate him. Tang Tang transformed this strange feeling into an actual form, presenting a sense of fantasy such as literature, movies and animations. He disassembles the imagery of “machine” and “human” and reshaped them into technology and humanoid forms. His seemingly invisible transformation of emotions presents the "myths" and "legends" of ancient and modern civilization.
『塔羅斯 篇章初見』唐唐 個展
First page of Tarws Tang Tang Solo Exhibition
Dates|2023.2.17 - 2023.3.26
Opening|2023.2.18 15:00
Venue|Yesart Gallery 意識畫廊 / 台北市士林區中山北路七段48號 -