
日期:2021-08-21 ~ 2021-10-17
Adaptation在生物學中泛指生物經過天擇演化後,其生理或行為等層面得到更適合在特定環境生存的特徵。於此,藝術家刻意將作品與生物學的研究方式做直接的連結,挪用生物形態學(Morphology)中對於生物體的組織樣貌與功能結構上的觀察,藉由探討特徵與功能的方式作為 一種進行分析的切入點。試著將我們當下面對網路科技的一些處境進行觀察,透過強調某些軟體功能其對於使用者的計算,抑或使用者對軟體衍生出相對應的變化軌跡,作為整個展覽發想的起點。
This exhibition uses modern humans’ adaptability toward Internet technology as its starting point. In particular, the online social media platforms that we frequently use in our daily lives, such as Instagram, Facebook, Google, etc. We find that on Instagram, the more we look at certain types of posts, the more recommendations we will receive for posts of the same nature. If we did not actively restrict access when we are browsing through websites or online stores, these sites may also be sharing your browsing history and information to Facebook in order to send you targeted advertisements. As Internet technology enters our daily life, do we have enough awareness and understanding of how these mechanisms function? Furthermore, what kind of response can we take?
Adaptation in biology generally refers to the biological or behavioral aspects of organisms that evolved to be more suitable for survival in specific environments. The artist deliberately makes a direct connection between artwork and research methods used in biology. The artist explores the characteristics and functions as an entry point for analysis by appropriating observation of tissue appearance, function, and structure in morphology studies. By amplifying the calculation of specific software algorithms for the user, or the user's navigation of the corresponding software, the artist attempts to observe situations we face on the Internet, which then becomes the starting point for the whole exhibition.
1984年生,現居住、工作於臺北。國立臺北藝術大學劇場設計學系主修舞台設計, 後於英國倫敦大學金匠學院取得電腦藝術碩士學位,現為藝術家、軟體應用及開發人員。近期作品主要藉由軟體、影像、裝置、文字等去嘗試碰觸屬於個人的感知狀態,以及描繪個人與他者之間溝通的可能。作品曾於臺北數位藝術中心、國立臺灣美術館、臺灣當代文化實驗場、波蘭及馬來⻄亞等數位藝術節展出。
WU I-Yeh
Born in 1984, currently lives and works in Taipei. Graduated from the Department of Theatrical Design, Taipei National University of the Arts, followed by MA in Computational Arts, Goldsmiths University of London, currently works as an artist and software application developer. Recent works mainly feature software, video, installations, texts, etc. He attempts to relate to the state of perception of the individual and to depict the possibility of communication between individuals. His works have been exhibited in the Taipei Digital Art Center, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, and in digital art festivals in countries such as Poland and Malaysia.
講座 Artist Talk
2021.08.28 Sat. 16:00
Speaker|CHENG Hsien-Yu
2021.10.09 Sat. 16:00
Speaker|CHENG Wen-Chi
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic in Taiwan, the works in this exhibition will be adjusted to an online format. In addition to the works on the Internet, the exhibition is also simultaneously presented in the main lobby on the first floor of the Digital Art Center, Taipei over the exhibition period.