

【2021 ART TAIPEI呈現「冰裂紋」之美,細觀黃歌川作品 】The Beauty of Ice-Crack Batik Painting in ART TAIPEI 2021

  • 展期

    日期:2021-10-22 ~ 2021-10-25

  • 地點

    台北世界貿易中心 展演一館

  • 相關連結

  • 參展藝術家


  • 古代陶藝家利用高超的技法,在汝窯上製造出冰裂紋(又稱開片)效果,因成功率低,作品極為稀有,深受帝王們的喜愛。今天的藝術家黃歌川,在畫布上,製造出獨一無二的冰裂紋,如汝窯般,有異曲同工之妙。黃歌川「冰裂紋蠟染」作品,紋路肌理變化無窮,畫面饒富趣味,又有立體之感,讓人不經意地想要細觀與觸碰。


    展覽日期:2021/10/22 (五) ~ 25(一)
    展 位:M03 阿波羅畫廊

    【線上展廳 (Online Viewing Room)】
    展覽時間:2021/10/22 (五) 14:00 – 11/5 (五) 23:59

    The Beauty of Ice-Crack Batik Painting by HUANG KO-CHUAN

    HUANG KO-CHUAN created works featuring patterns akin to cracks in the ice, full of multifarious and stereoscopic sense, tempting one to touch them. In particular , Huang expressed the patterns of objects such as tree bark, water flowing waves, mountain stone texture through Ice-Crack techniques to give his works a sense of playfulness.

    As an international pioneer in Ice-Crack Batik Painting HUANG KO-CHUAN created the exclusive ice-crack batik dyeing technique. Huang elevating traditional handicraft batik into modern art forms while infusing it with new life. Huang made an indelible contribution to the global development of batik art. As his works are unique and one of a kind, they are very rare on the market.

    Huang is listed in books on Taiwan’s post-war art development compiled by the Ministry of Culture, as well as biographies of people from the early Republic published by Academia Historica. The National Museum of History (NMH) hold a collection of 101 Huang’s works. The Huang’s birthday is also designated as the annual "NMH Ko-chuan Huang Day" in recognition of Huang's contributions to Taiwanese art.

    【Physical Exhibition】
    Time and Date : 2021/10/22 (Fri) ~ 25(Mon)
    Event Venue : Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1
    Booth : M03 (Apollo Art Gallery)

    【Online Viewing Room】
    Online Platform:Artsty, Art Emperor
    Time and Date : 2021/10/22 (Fri) 14:00 – 11/5 (Fri) 23:59


    阿波羅畫廊 黃歌川專頁
    線上展廳 (Online Viewing Room)



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