【2022 Art Tainan — 大觀藝術空間《浮世・化境》】台南藝術博覽會ART TAINAN 2022

主體對於時空場域的不同感受,形成對於生存環境的相異思索:梁育瑄靜謐光影的空間詩學,劉玹希重塑殘骸復返工業時代的過往榮光,志鎌 猛捕捉原始自然景觀召喚對大地之母的回歸欲望。
DaGuan Gallery cordially invites you to ART TAINAN 2022, which will showcase artworks exploring or revealing the shape of “life”, redefining the diversified relationships between the subject and others, or between the subject and the environment in the earthly world.
Although subjectivity is something that everyone possesses, humans are also inseparable from the existence of other spiritual beings: Lo Chan Peng reveals humanistic values through a singular iconic imagery like a ghostly campfire in history, while Hu Shun Xiang presents clear or vague images of the masses that subtly depict the intimate or detached interpersonal associations.
Interactions with different species of life forms other than people with the conical, and people with others: Jhycheng Wu draws the family dog to commemorate their time together. Chang Chin Hsien outlines the silhouette of an instant in time as a metaphor of the interactions between both parties, and Ka Wai Cheuk constructs a fairy-tale scenery to bestow the warmest wishes for the seasons.
Plant ecology, which has extended to the contemplation of macro-philosophy recently, is an ever-lasting system of symbolism: Yang Po Line presents sprouting seedlings with enduring hopes for the future. Tang Shan Cheng gently whispers the spirit of friendship. Yen Chun sings the praises of the blossoming flowers and greenery.
Different spatial and temporal feelings sensed by the subject give shape to the varying considerations about the living environment: Liang Yu Hsuan renders spatial poetry via the tranquility of light and shadows. Liou Shiuan Shi revisits the past glory of the industrial era by reshaping debris. Takeshi Shikama summons the desire to return to Mother Earth by capturing primitive natural landscapes.
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台南藝術博覽會ART TAINAN 2022
大觀藝術空間 DaGuan Gallery
地點 Venue|台南晶英酒店 Silks Place Tainan
展間 Room|721
貴賓預展VIP Preview|3.10 (Thur.) 15:00-19:00
公眾開放 Opening Hours|3.11 (Fri.) -3.13 (Sun.)
參展藝術家 Participating Artists|張欽賢Chang Chin Hsien, 鄭丹珊Tan Shan Cheng, 卓家慧Ka Wai Cheuk, 胡順香Hu Shun Xiang, 梁育瑄Liang Yu Hsuan, 劉玹希Liou Shiuan Shi, 羅展鵬Lo Chan Peng, 志鎌 猛Takeshi Shikama,巫日文Jhycheng Wu, 楊柏林Yang Po Lin, 顏群Yen Chun
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【與你真夏約定! Art IJ 日本無極限當代藝博會7月下旬開展!】與你真夏約定! Art IJ 日本無極限當代藝博會7月下旬開展!
日期:2024-07-26 ~ 2024-07-28|台灣,台北市