【Mona Hatoum】+ and - 個展
日期:2022-04-02 ~ 2022-07-03
Mona Hatoum
2022年,這個世界局勢仍動盪不安,當國家、民族因領土、國界、宗教等利益衝突無法達成共識,最終選擇走上戰爭一途。今年2月底爆發的俄烏戰爭,再次喚起了大眾對戰爭的恐懼,每日新聞上撥放著砲火連綿、煙硝瀰漫的畫面,許多家庭被迫離開家園、流離失所,紛亂的情勢也造成了全球政治與經濟的動盪。很難想像平時寧靜安詳的城鎮,會在一夕之間變為斷垣殘壁。而這種緊繃、不確定的狀態,正是本次展出藝術家莫娜 · 哈透姆最常表達的主題,反映了我們當前全球狀況所產生的問題。
莫娜 · 哈透姆於1952年出生於貝魯特的巴勒斯坦家庭。1975年拜訪倫敦期間,黎巴嫩內戰爆發,導致哈透姆再也無法回到家園,長期在英國居住與工作。異地的文化衝擊,她開始感受到自己格格不入,不得不重新審視她作為「局外人」的角色。因此常見哈透姆的作品中,融入了個人的經歷,隱射大環境關於無根漂泊、異化、失落、社會動亂不定的議題。她也受到極簡主義和觀念藝術的影響,擅長將日常熟悉的用品像是椅子、嬰兒床、廚房用具等物件改造為看似陌生、危險甚至令人感到威脅的樣貌,試圖將慾望和壓迫、迷戀和恐懼等對立的情緒並置,挑戰觀者的感知。
哈透姆的作品為多個國際知名機構所珍藏。曾在紐約現代美術館、廣島市現代美術館、胡安 · 米羅基金會、北京尤倫斯當代藝術中心等眾多大型美術館和機構展出,2015 年在龐畢度藝術中心的重要個展曾巡迴至倫敦泰德美術館及赫爾辛基當代美術館。作品也曾參與卡賽爾文件展、莫斯科當代藝術雙年展、伊斯坦堡雙年展、雪梨雙年展,以及威尼斯雙年展。
In 2022, the world is still in turmoil, with nations and people unable to reach consensus over conflicting interests such as territory, borders or religion, choosing instead to go to war. The war between Russia and Ukraine, which broke out at the end of February this year, has once again raised fears, with its images of artillery fire and smoke broadcast daily on news channels all across the world. Many families have been forced to leave their homes and have become displaced, and the conflict has caused political and economic turmoil worldwide. It is hard to imagine cities and towns, normally peaceful and quiet, reduced to ruins overnight. This tense, uncertain condition is a theme that runs throughout the work of Mona Hatoum, the subject of this exhibition; an artist who reflects on the state of our current global situation.
Hatoum was born in 1952 to a Palestinian family in Beirut. During a visit to London in 1975, The Lebanese Civil War broke out, preventing her from returning and resulting in her living and working for the most part in the UK from that period onwards. Experiencing the cultural shock of a new, foreign country, Hatoum began to feel out of place, and was compelled to re-examine her position as an "outsider". Hatoum's works often draw on her personal experience, while alluding to broader issues of rootlessness, alienation and social unrest. With reference to both minimalism and conceptual art, she frequently transforms familiar objects such as chairs, cribs and kitchen utensils into unfamiliar, dangerous and even threatening objects, juxtaposing conflicting emotions of desire and repulsion, fascination and fear to challenge the viewer's perception.
Hatoum's artworks are currently housed in several internationally renowned institutions and have been on display at many major museums and galleries including the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art; the Joan Miró Foundation, and the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing. In 2015, her solo exhibition at the Centre Pompidou toured to Tate Modern, London and the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki. Her works have also been showcased at Documenta Kassel, the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, the Istanbul Biennial, the Biennale of Sydney, and the Venice Biennale.
Mona Hatoum: + and -
日期 | 2022.04.02 - 2022.07.03
時間 | Wed. - Mon. 10:30-18:30
地點 | 文心藝所 Winsing Art Place
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