

【臺北之胃/味 攝影展by法國攝影家Hubert KILIAN余白】

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    日期:2022-06-11 ~ 2022-07-17

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    Hubert KILIAN 余白:臺北之胃/味

  • 參展藝術家

    法國攝影家余白 Hubert Kilian

  • 【1839當代藝廊】臺北之胃/味 攝影展by法國攝影家Hubert KILIAN余白

    展期|2022/6/11 – 7/17
    地點|1839當代藝廊 台北市大安區延吉街120號地下樓
    時間|星期二-星期日 11:00–19:00
    開幕|6/11(六)14:30|導覽 15:00
    攝影講座|7/02(六)16:00 余白 v.s. 沈昭良


    Hubert Kilian: LE VENTRE DE TAIPEI
    Date│06.11.2022 – 07.17.2022
    Opening│06.11 2022 @14:30, Tours @15:00
    Photo Talk|07.02, 2022 @16:00 Hubert Kilian & Shen Chaoliang
    Location│1839 Contemporary Gallery
    Open hours│Tue.-Sun. 11:00-19:00

    Hubert KILIAN has settled in Taiwan in 2003 and has been Taipei-based French journalist until 2016. In 1996, he began his photographic odyssey and quickly fell under the spell of the cities ‘landscapes and empty urban spaces. Fascinated by marks left through times on walls, he uses photography to blend past and present, to freeze the course of time and to record his own emotions. For over two decades now, he has been working to decipher the cities and to capture the atmospheres carved by the lights and shadows of buildings. His work seeks to expose the relationship between the city dwellers and environment that conditions and transcends them. Thus, he reveals the dramatic potential of this great spectacle of time and people passing by and of stones that remain. He has exposed in Paris, Taipei and Kyoto. In 2018, “Visages de Taipei” has been published, followed by “le Ventre de Taipei” in 2022.


    Hubert KILIAN 余白:臺北之胃/味



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