【MY FAVORITE 邊世喜個展】MY FAVORITE: Byun Se-hee Solo Exhibition
Byun Se-hee Solo Exhibition
▍日期 Date
2022/06/25 Sat. – 08/20 Sat.
▍時間 Time
▍地點 Venue
大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery
No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan(R.O.C)
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大雋藝術很榮幸於6月25日至8月20日推出《MY FAVORITE》邊世喜個展,首度在台個展中將呈獻20件最新創作的平面繪畫作品,她將畢生所愛傾注在圖像敘事中,侃侃訴說生命裡那些啟迪並感動她的幸福邂逅。薰風夏至,讓我們進入邊世喜筆下充滿幻想、治癒人心的綺麗世界,感受日常所有的美好相遇,都恰逢其時!
Rich Art is deeply honored to present Byun Se-hee’s solo exhibition “My Favorite,” which will be on view between June 25 and August 20. As the artist’s first solo exhibition in Taiwan, the exhibition will showcase 20 of Byun’s latest paintings. The works are manifestations of the artist’s lifelong passion through the narrative of images, illustrating the moments of inspiration and happiness. As summer approaches, let us enter the imaginary, comforting, and magnificent world of Byun Se-hee, savoring the wonderful, timely encounters in our everyday lives. -
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日期:2024-12-14 ~ 2024-12-29|台灣,新北市
13 days left