【概念美術館 Vol. 11《帕夫洛夫舞曲》】陳斌華個展

日期:2022-07-15 ~ 2022-09-16
台北市士林區中山北路六段431-1號B1 (台灣數位藝術中心)
概念美術館 Vol. 11《帕夫洛夫舞曲》
陳斌華 個展
Concept Museum of Art Vol. 11《 Pavlov Chan Chan》
CHEN Pin-Hua Solo Exhibition
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➤展期 Date :2022/07/15-2022/09/16
➤開幕 Opening:2022/07/15(Fri.) 15:00
➤地點 Venue:台灣數位藝術中心 Digital Art Center.TW
111 台北市士林區中山北路六段431-1號B1
B1, No. 431-1, Sec. 6, Zhongshan N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Taiwan
➤開館時間,免費參觀 Free Entry
Mon. - Fri. 09:00-18:00
➤7/15(五) 09:00藝術家將於個人頻道進行直播演出,展期間將不定期舉辦行為表演 ⏩⏩⏩
◙ 展覽介紹 ◙
◙ 關於藝術家 ◙
目前就讀於政大國際金融學院碩士學位學程,喜好經由自身日常生活的檔案生產探討社會議題。早期以巨幅社會地景影像創作為主,自 2016 年起進行 CC0 作品的發表,並推展至著作權、言論自由、經濟、金融與交易等領域的多媒介探討。(
◙ 關於「概念美術館」 ◙
◙ Introduction ◙
This exhibition, Pavlov Chan Chan, attempts to convert the financial markets into sounds.
Dialectical performances based on Efficient-market hypothesis and Random walk hypothesis will be practiced according to the real-world market condition, together with the fluctuating account balance which exposes artist’s presence in the market.
Electronic experimental music triggered by market factors or pricing signals, and soundscapes collected from a noise-trading flaneur wandering around, will be played in the venue.
Would the voices from conflicting concepts be harmonic or insufferable? Could this conversion of market provide behavior seduction?
Let’s listen.
◙ Artist ◙
CHEN Pin-Hua
Currently a master student of Science in Global Banking and Finance at NCCU, Chen reflects on social issues by making archives through daily life experiments.
His early artistic practices focused on large-scale images of social landscapes. Since 2016, Chen has published his works with CC0 license and further extended his multi-media practices towards aspects including copyright, freedom of speech, economics, finance and trading.
◙ About Concept Museum of Art ◙
The Concept Museum of Art focuses on “the authenticity of works in the context of history.” Grounded on the thinking of networks as well as display and kinetic technologies, the Concept Museum of Art attempts to supplement the insufficiency of analogue fashion of material collections through the historical framework under cultural stratification to create a new experience of digital narrative. -
view all台灣數位藝術中心
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