【I Wonder. I Set Out.】從自由揮灑到構築思想-藝術家謝秉勳與作品的對話過程
“I Wonder. I Set Out.”
美國當代畫家喬•布蘭得利說,藝術家們會經歷一場內心的“拔河”,你會想“也許作品就是這樣了。作品很好。”但另一個你卻會說,你必須重新回到創作中 ,“把作品搞得一團糟”,“把作品逼到邊緣……你必須殺死你的作品。”這並不容易,我試著和我的畫保持一定的距離。我觀察著作品,等待著。對我來說真正的挑戰,發生在抽離後我如何重新回到畫作裡頭,破壞畫作原有的存在。從破壞的過程中,發現作品其他可能性。我必須大膽的在畫作上冒險,這樣我才能了解如何“真正的繪畫”。
My process is all tangled up within the present moment, with conscious and unconscious decisions being made constantly. Focusing on the present helps me start an internal dialogue, a dialogue that eventually connects to the painting. That’s how I start to approach clarity. My conscious mind is a tool to make formal decisions, while on the other side, my unconscious is assembling thoughts that somehow surface through my actions.
My paintings are initially driven by a freedom of line. My brush sets out, pushing around and into the picture plane. It moves. It flows. It’s liberating. I often want to stop right then and there. But I see shapes starting to force their way into existence. The lines isolate. They connect. I begin choosing, observing, and even eliminating marks. The shapes morph into forms, but they remain abstract, and I keep working until I feel the painting hovers between what I think I know, and what I don’t.
Joe Bradley said artists go through a “tug of war” with an “internal dialogue where you think ‘Maybe this is it. I’m good.’” But then, he says, you have to go back into the painting and “mess it all up” and “kick it over the edge…You have to kill it.” To do this, which is not so easy, I try to maintain a distance from my paintings. I watch them and wait. The challenge is not waiting too long; I have to dredge up enough courage to take risks so I can discover how to “really paint”.
「我必須大膽的在畫作上冒險,這樣我才能了解如何”真正的繪畫”。」 — 謝秉勳
(I have to dredge up enough courage to take risks so I can discover how to “really paint”.) — Brian
▸《I Wonder. I Set Out. 》謝秉勳Brian個展
展期|2022.08.19 — 2022.08.21
開館|10:00 - 18:00 (最後一天開放至17:00)
聯繫人員手機|王小姐 0928-153-770、戴小姐 0913-135-155
新願 FB|https://www.facebook.com/newwish.alliance/
新願 IG|https://www.instagram.com/newwish.art/
青藝力 FB|https://www.facebook.com/yartpower/
青藝力 IG|https://www.instagram.com/yart_power/ -
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