


  • 《雲遊》 劉鎮洲陶塑創作個展




    1984年畢業於日本京都藝術大學美術研究所,師從陶藝大師鈴木治,而後成立「方圓陶舍工作室」 與「劉鎮洲陶藝研究室」。曾任職於國立台灣藝術大學工藝設計系所32年退休,現任該校榮譽教授。作品多以極簡造型呈現頌揚自然的細節和巧思。



    In The Mood For Freedom
    Liou Chen Chou Solo Exhibition

    Contemporary ceramic artist Liou Chen Chou releases the new solo exhibition for the first time in many years to continue his love for freedom and ceramics. Different from his previous works, which were mostly based on land and space, the works in this exhibition focus on each state of clouds playing freely, presenting his current carefree state of mind, as if his thoughts and inspirations were transformed into clouds roaming freely and unfettered. Further, he decided to combine air currents and raindrops to freely describe our relationship to nature in clay.

    The smooth clouds he sculpts with soft and light appearance are contrasted with different texture details to present the feelings of clouds, land and space. Moreover, through the design of clouds, rain, stairs, caves, platforms and rivers, it’s a metaphor for the traces of people leisurely passing through them. In the details of his creation, he takes the viewer step by step into the space between the sky and the clouds, the resting place of the mind, to discover the freedom that has long been hidden in the heart, and to realize the intimacy and harmony between us and nature.

    Chen-Chou Liou

    Chen-Chou Liou studied at the Graduate School of Fine Arts at Kyoto University of the Arts in Japan and studied with Osamu Suzuki. Later, he set up “Fangyuan Pottery Studio” and “Liu Chen Chou Pottery Research Laboratory”. He spent 32 years at the Department of Crafts and Design at the National Taiwan University of the Arts, where he is now an honorary professor. His works celebrate nature with minimalism, detail and ingenuity.

    Since 1982, he had held more than 20 solo exhibitions and more than 100 joint exhibitions. He was also a member of the collection and deliberation committee of various art galleries and museums, and a member of the jury of various pottery and fine art competitions. He has been paying attention to the evolution and future trend of modern pottery creation and expression for years. Most of his works are collected by museums and cultural institutions at home and abroad. In 2017, he won the Ceramics Achievement Award in Taiwan.


    《雲遊》劉鎮洲 陶塑創作個展
    展期|2023.5.13(六)- 6.4(日)
    時間|12:00-19:00 週一公休

    【 藝術座談 】 5/21(日)13:30

    【 開幕茶會 】 5/21(日)14:30
    免費入場 自由參觀


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