


  • 展期

    日期:2023-05-03 ~ 2023-06-11

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 本次展覽首先來自⼀個模糊的視覺印象-絕對空間的行政-⼀個總是坐在展場⾓落的靜默身影。他的工作是⼀連串的詮釋、同理與理解。他始終都在,卻難以被覺察。他是展場的照料者,⽽我則想要描繪出這樣⼀名角色。我的好奇是他與展場的身體關係或心理距離,我的好奇是他為何而來又是否想過離開?總之,⼀切與這份工作相關聯的事物與情感。
    This exhibition first began with a vague visual impression of the administrative assistant at Absolute Space. She always sits quietly at the corner of the gallery. Her job requires compassion, understanding, and consecutive interpretations. Although she is always around, her presence is often unrecognized. She is the caretaker of the gallery. As I tried to illustrate her role as the caretaker, I became curious about her physical and mental bond with the gallery. I wondered what brought her here. Has she ever thought about leaving? – In short, I was interested in everything connected to the job.
    For this exhibition, I also invited Jing-Wen Tseng, a theater staff, who will bring along the administrative assistants who once worked in Absolute Space to join a body workshop. I pictured the coming and going of different people. Through common memories, those involved shall engage in a dialogue concerning the job. On the last day of the exhibition, we will host a documentary screening and sharing at the gallery.
    黃奕翔1995年⽣於台灣台南,⽬前⽣活和⼯作於台灣台北。創作⼿法涵蓋動態影像、裝置及雕塑,近年開 始以影像進⾏現地創作,旨在探索影像創作與展出空間之間的可能性。曾經舉辦過的個展:2022 「幫幫我物神」,外⼦,台北。 2020「異鄉⼈」,MOCA CUBE,台北。 2018「出去⼀下,等等 回來」,絕對空間,台南。曾經參與過的聯展: 2019「放映機錄像藝術節」,⾺德⾥。
    Huang I-Hsiang ( b.Tainan, Taiwan, 1995 ) currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan. Mainly work in moving-image, installation and sculpture. In recent years, his use of images for site-specific works has begun to explore the possibilities between moving images and exhibition spaces. Selected solo exhibition:Wai Zih, Taipei, 2022, Help Me God. Moca Cube, Taipei, 2020, The Outsiders. Absolute Space of the Arts, Tainan, 2018, The Maiden’s Prayer. Selected group exhibition:Madrid, 2019, Proyector.
    A Practice of silence:Huang I-Hsiang Solo Exhibition
    展覽日期 Date|2023/5/3 (Wed.) -2023/6/11 (Sun.)
    閉幕茶會 Closing event|2023/6/11 (Sun.) 16:30
    工作坊影片放映活動 Screening| 2023/6/11 (Sun.) 17:00-19:00(映後座談採開放討論方式,無特定與談人)
    The workshop will be held on June 4 (Sun.) and June 5 (Mon.), and Absolute Space for the Arts will not be open to the public.



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