
日期:2023-05-24 ~ 2023-06-10
Shigeki Matsuyama、Feebee
Portrait of dazzle / Shigeki Matsuyama
系列作品《Portrait of dazzle 眩像》使用網絡上的無數自拍和快照中的臉部照片。透過投影機,將這些照片的眼睛投射並描繪到另一個人的輪廓上,這個人的種族、性別髮型或體型與原始照片中的人物不同,從而創造出反映網絡匿名性和信息不確定性的肖像畫。
A portrait is a depiction of a specific individual . It became an established style of painting during the Renaissance, and since then, many artists have created portraits with a wide variety of themes. Some portraits have pursued realism while others have emphasized or exaggerated the beauty or ugliness of their subjects. ( Source: This is media "Shozou-ga")
The series Portrait of dazzle uses facial photos found among the countless selfies and snaps uploaded on the Internet. With a video projector, the eyes from the photos were projected and traced onto a silhouette of another person, whose race, sex, hairstyle, or body shape differs from those of the original, thereby creating portraits reflecting anonimity and the uncertain veracity of information on the Internet.
Bitten from Within/ feebee
《Bitten from Within》系列的主題是現代人的問題。當人與他人互動時,咬住脖子的野獸就會出現。(社會)與他人建立關係是過上充實生活的重要一環:然而,透過智慧型手機輕鬆接觸社交媒體,即使是獨自一人,那一人仍然暴露在社會中,並不断地被提醒著他人的存在,使人對於他人是如何看待自己變得敏感。這一點至關重要,因為個體受到社會的影響,反過來,社會也是由個體塑造而成的。直接從英文中翻譯成日文的《Biten from Within》也有「被自己咬傷」的意思。雖然這個野獸看起來可怕,但它是一個斷頭的野獸,無法殺死咬住它的人。是否移除這個野獸還是讓它存在,取決於自己。
The subject of Bitten from Within series , is the problem of modern man.
The beast biting the neck appears when an individual interacts with others (society).
Having relations with other people is an important part of living a fulfilling life; however, with social media easily accessible through a smartphone, an individual remains exposed to society even when alone and thus is constantly reminded of the presence of the Other and becomes acutely aware of how others perceive them. This is critical as individuals are influenced by society and in turn, society is shaped by individuals. Bitten from Within translated directly into Japanese also means bitten by oneself. Though the beast appears frightening, it is a severed head unable to kill the person whom it is biting. Whether to remove the beast or leave it be is up to the individual.
view all十方藝術空間
【四因說的細語 Whisper of Four Causes 】TAIPEI ART WEEK Group Exhibition
日期:2024-10-23 ~ 2024-11-02|台灣