
鯉魚藝廊Carp Gallery

【放空的time block】賴金池(Lai Chin Chih)個展

  • 展期

    日期:2023-06-17 ~ 2023-07-30

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 放空的time block-賴金池個展





    Last time I met two missionaries at botanical garden, when I was squatting on the ground waiting for “something” to happen on the tree, they asked me abruptly: "Have you ever prayed?". That moment, a fruit from the tree fell and knocked on the shoulder of the missionary.

    There is a river near home. When the residents walk past, they will look at the rippling surface of the water and pause for a moment, as if they were sucked into it for a few seconds, or for a long period of time. Maybe they have transformed into a new person after being spit our from that “portal”.

    The ceiling may be the most inhuman place in a space, it is so vast that it seems to have no boundaries there.

    The exhibition is a place where things happen, but it is also a place where people come and go.

    ▌開幕茶會Opening Reception: 2023.06.17(Sat) 15:00
    ▌日期Date: 2023.06.17(Sat)-07.30(Sun)
    ▌地點Venue: 鯉魚藝廊Carp Gallery

鯉魚藝廊Carp Gallery賴金池放空的time block


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日期:2022-08-02 ~ 2022-08-29|台灣,高雄市