
Mind the G

【GDAP #4-如果 else if else 】陽明交通大學|七人聯展

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    日期:2023-07-08 ~ 2023-08-06

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    About 東方廣告

  • 參展藝術家


  • 藝術沒有解答,只有更多的疑問、反思和可能性,重要的問題常常不是 if 而是化簡成 when。在被程式吞噬的世界裡,編碼已無所不在我們的日常裡,萬物皆可被看為運算邏輯中的迴圈產物,透過創作連結著虛與實之間的直觀與反思,讓藝術跳脫當下、打破現有的普遍規則,向真實物理世界進行迷茫的追問,以「如果」(else if else) 為題,重新探索媒介的藝術性。展覽「如果」展出的作品以數位運算與生成作為媒材,以程式演算作為畫筆,感知並捕捉內在感受,亦有作品提取自然資訊,專注於脈動的雕琢。本展覽冀望以程式語言作為創作媒介,反映藝術家想像中的數位形構。

    There are no eternal answers in art, only answers that lead to more questions and reflections or possibilities. The most important questions are not matter of if but of when. In a world where software is eating our world, we are all surrounded by code in our daily lives, everything is computable, directly or recursively. By introspection of the artwork curated in this show “else if else”, we escape the current definition of virtual and real, intangible and the tangible, seeking different classifications of reality and materiality of art.
    The exhibition “else if else” states literally with humor that computation as medium, as brushstrokes, express or capture the sensibility in all of us. Bioinformatics are also signals into designed systems that create sculptures. This show demonstrates code as a medium with its grammar and syntax to codify and express all that is possible.

    李芸蓁 | Yun-Chen Lee
    徐華均 | Hua-Chun Hsu
    陳昕 | Hsin Chen
    陳勤旻 | Cin-Min Chen
    陳芷渝 | Chih-Yu Chen
    熊盼盼 | Pan-Pan Shiung
    羅怡婷 | I-Ting Lo

    「如果 else if else 」 展​覽資訊
    ▍展覽日期:2023/07/08 ~ 08/06
    ▍開放時間:12:00 - 17:30(二~日) 週一休館

    -侯君昊 - 陽明交大建築研究所副教授
    -謝啟民 - 陽明交大應藝研究所副教授
    ▍活動時間:13:00-16:00(12:30 開放入座)

    ▍Fika Fika Cafe


    About 東方廣告



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