

【‘Oh boy; nonetheless’ 】金兌洙個展 Tez KIM Solo Exhibition

  • 展期

    日期:2023-07-22 ~ 2023-08-19

  • 地點

    德鴻畫廊 (台南市中西區中山路1號)

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  • 參展藝術家

    金兌洙 Tez KIM

  • 【‘Oh boy; nonetheless’ 金兌洙個展 Tez KIM Solo Exhibition】
    文 | Julia Hwang / KHJGallery
    從展覽主題「‘Oh, boy; nonetheless’」,隨著年齡漸長,我們可以聽到天真消退的悲嘆。諷刺的是,我們所處的處境,就算人類再怎麼努力抵抗威脅,也始終像堆積如山的香蕉一樣沉重,即使是引領大眾的成年人也無法有力的將這些象徵著可悲的香蕉擲出。
    金兌洙的作品可分成四個系列:「深思」( 'Deep Thought')、「冒險」('Adventure')和「行動」('Action'),以及可視為一體的「街頭頑童」('Boy on the Street)。作品將兒時記憶以香蕉做了翻轉,變成了內黃外白,使用的媒材是可追溯至兒時記憶的純然叛念。記憶所帶給我們的純真在滴水不漏的封條下受到質疑。
    The coronavirus panic that was new to everyone has subsided, and other aspects of issues that tickle our consciousness emerge. If we draw tens of millions of dots starting at the moment of birth and ending at the final line of death, the dots at the beginning and at the end share the same fate. When it starts to feel meaningless to live a day-to-day life where its purpose and means are confused, we are often taken back to the untroubled days of the past.
    “During my childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, what the hell did I do to cool off in the midsummer heat? What kind of food and pop songs was I into, the moment when the tip of my nose tingled with emotions? And whose eyes was I looking into with my beating heart?”
    The journey to find our purpose led to an identity march, a facade of importance. A boy who thought this as the ultimate task in life had grown into a boy-like man, an artist, in this generation with a hundred-year life expectancy. Right around the time when a man peaks in thinking that time flies, when he thinks he is old and incapable, he begins to sympathize with the artist’s work. Children do not have adult memories, but all adults have childhood memories. We would like to introduce an exhibition that sheds light on the artistic spirit that crosses between visual arts and poetry on why we must indulge in ‘those days’.
    Tez Kim's first solo exhibition abroad will be held in Taiwan from July 22nd to August 19th at Der-Horng Art Gallery in Tainan, showcasing paintings and sculptures narrated by a seemingly rebellious boy.
    From the title of the exhibition ‘Oh, boy; nonetheless’, we hear the shouts of a lament for the innocence that fades as we grow older. Ironically, we are in a position to agree that the effort to resist what threatens humanity is a banana piled up in its ponderosity. Even the adult that guilds the majority is losing the strength to throw a pathetic banana.
    “With age’s resistance against my identity, and after this deterioration, I’ll finally know if I'll meet the new me.”
    Tez Kim's works are compiled into four series: 'Deep Thought', 'Adventure', and 'Action', which come together to form the 'Boy on the Street’ series. The works turn the memory of bananas and yellows inside out, the medium of pure rebellion, originating from childhood memories. The innocence that our memory granted us is questioned in a seal that does not fade.
    “I am waiting for an audience who is alive, remembering, reminiscing, and laughing. We ask for your interest and support.”
    藝術家Artist|金兌洙 Tez KIM
    展期 Duration|2023.07.22 (Sat) - 2023.08.19 (Sat)
    開幕 Opening|2023.07.22 (Sat) 15:00
    聯絡 Contact|info@derhorng.com|06-2271125
    地點 Venue|德鴻畫廊(台南市中西區中山路1號)



德鴻畫廊Tez KIM金兌洙‘Oh boy; nonetheless’ KHJ GALLERY


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