【蜜蠟時代 The Age of Beeswax】陳妍伊個展 Solo Exhibition of Yen-Yi Chen
日期:2023-08-10 ~ 2023-08-31
在兩萬多年前的舊石器時代,《維綸多夫的維納斯》是人類雕塑歷史上最早的人體圓雕傑作之一。其象徵的是生育能力,誇張的手法表現了古代人們希望繁殖多產、人丁興旺的思想,是原始社會生殖崇拜的一種體現。維納斯的形象在在都反映出人類對美的一種追求和表現,照應著各個時代下人對美、對欲望、對女性的看法。自維納斯的誕生起,似乎就是一個矛盾而複雜的母體。 我以自身的母體形象為基礎,交棒給蜜蜂一同與我塑造的造形為題,持續發展並加以變形。
More than twenty thousand years ago in the Paleolithic Age, Venus of Willendorf, the earliest human statue in the record of the history of sculpture in the round, was created. As a symbol of fertility, the exaggerated manner of expression portrays the ancient society’s hope for thriving harvests and population, and directs to a form of fertility worship in certain primitive societies. Again and again, the image of Venus has reflected the human pursuit of beauty. The various art expressions not only reveal the perceptions of which an era held towards beauty, but also towards sexual desires and women. Ever since the birth of Venus, the figure has inevitably led towards a complex and paradoxical motif. With my own maternal body as the foundation of the artwork, I passed the torch on to the bees, who serve as co-creators to expand and mutate the piece.
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