
日期:2023-10-21 ~ 2023-12-03
卡斯藤.戈林 Carsten Goering
▐ 開幕:2023 年 10月21日 (六)丨15 : 30
▐ 展期:2023 年 10月21日 — 12月03日
▐ 地點:水色藝術工坊 ∣ 台南市中西區環河街129巷31號
▐ 開放時間:週四~週日13:30 - 19:00
很榮幸地與大家分享水色藝術工坊國際藝術駐村計畫 CARSTEN GOERING DECENTRALAND 的個展。我們誠摯邀請來自德國的藝術家 卡斯藤.戈林Carsten Goering 來台駐地創作,經過三個月的密集創作,即將在水色藝術工坊於10月21日至12月3日展出。
Carsten 卡斯藤 創作過程中,探索了繪畫和新媒體藝術,並重新思索身體與作品之間的互動關係。作品中圖形和色彩的排列以及表層的條紋顏料,營造出移動的錯覺效果,並呈現平面到立體、靜態到動態的轉變。藝術家表示,作品多變的視角反映人的本性,每個人面對事情都有不同的觀點,唯獨在移動的過程中才能真正領悟作品的全貌。
It is our pleasure to present CARSTEN GOERING's solo exhibition DECENTRALAND as part of the Mizuiro Workshop International Art Residency Program. We welcomed the German artist, Carsten Goering, in our gallery where he engaged in intensive work over a period of three months. His artwork will be on display at the Mizuiro Workshop from October 21st to December 3rd.
Carsten delved into the realms of painting and new media art, reflecting on the relationship between the body and the artwork. His compositions, the arrangement of shapes, colors and the application of the third layer pigment on the surface, creates a sense of movement and presents a transition from flatness into dimension, from stillness into movement. The artist emphasizes that the ever-changing perspectives in his work mirror the complexities of humanity. Each person brings a unique viewpoint, and it is only through the act of moving that one can truly comprehend the whole piece.
In the artist's past experiences in Media Art and filmmaking, he began to notice a lack of a direct connection with the work. This led him to reevaluate the interaction between the body and the creative process. He consequently used traditional painting mediums to exhibit his images. Throughout the process of creating, the physical action and movements, the tactile sensation of the canvas texture, and the scent of the materials, he continually reconnects himself with the artwork. This reconnection raises a painting rich with tactile traces and full of emotions. -
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【Rêver by Indigo Hsu 徐仲葳 + 「間間 / Layers」by Fxiii 簡靖芳】水色藝術 Summer Duos
日期:2022-08-13 ~ 2022-09-25|台灣,台南市