【詠物】2023 鄭秀如個展
日期:2023-11-06 ~ 2024-01-12
「詠物」2023 鄭秀如個展
"The afternoon setting sun shone upon the wall, piercing through the clamshell package, casting a shadow of emptiness. In that moment, my consciousness detached from the scene. I became that transparent space, made visible by the sunlight. What was this serene call all about? My sense of time became so clear that only breaths remained. The world's pace slowed down, and all I knew was that space belonging to poetry. I stood there for a long time, until I once again became aware of my body in that place. " (Written on June 9, 2009, at the Guantian Studio)
Through the ages, poems of odes to things are the way ancient people expressed their emotions through mountains and rivers, explored the world beyond the mundane beings, and conveyed their feelings through objects. Nowadays, people have replaced mountains and rivers with superficial packaging, discarding their natural beauty in favor of clamshell packaging and other forms of leftover commodities. After the items inside the clamshell packaging are removed, the packaging itself becomes waste instantly. The previous functions of protection and display also disappear, being reduced to uselessness within the torrent of consumption.
Sunlight shines on the empty space within the clamshell packaging, leaving only vague shadows. Its texture is simple like a sketch, yet it leaves behind a perfect drawing within this space. The item's "form" transcends the boundaries of "substance," allowing viewers to generate multiple images on the item's reality. When the definition of the item becomes less distinct, there is room for poetic dwelling. In Zhuangzi's "Free and Easy Wandering," it is said: " The usefulness of unusefulness is the greatest usefulness. " He affirms the uniqueness and value of both individuals and objects. The imagery leaves gaps for 'poetry,' allowing room for objects and my imagination to inhabit.
The spaces left behind by the " Image of Things " series are absences, allowances, and gaps. This concept aims to loosen the constraints and fixities that are inseparable from life, extending the creative value of the usefulness of unusefulness. Through meticulous observations and subtle perceptions of daily life, I reflect upon the fusion between my presence and absence and that of other things, constructing a poetic universe concealed within everyday life.
- " Image of Things "Solo exhibition, CHENG,HSIU-JU
開放時間:週一至週五 9:00-18:00
網址連結 |https://art.pu.edu.tw/var/file/55/1055/img/1083/home.html