【陽性意志】POZ Movement

日期:2023-11-18 ~ 2023-12-02
鬧空間 & 鬧房間/延平南路58號3F、4F
老大 B!G007、林鈺豐 Erick Lin、哈拿‧葛琉 Hana Keliw、張能禎 Chang Neng-Chen、曾智偉 Tseng Chih-Wei、劉仁凱 Kairon Liu、以及數十名臺灣HIV+社群夥伴 More than 10 HIV+ community members in Taiwan
歷時四年,社團法人臺灣感染誌協會兩度於國家級場館以「人類免疫缺乏病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV,即愛滋病毒)」為題策辦展覽及劇場,以藝術模糊疆界隔閡,經展演層疊檢視該病毒於昌盛傳播過後在人類社會留下的污痕,以及因受其感染而血清狀態呈陽性者,生存於不同地域、性別族群、文化血緣等所面臨議題的多元差異;2023年,在發表以百則感染者故事轉化為劇作的《Rx: still life》後,感染誌決意將年度藝術倡議計畫執行核心調移至更加親近於社群的位置,希冀創造更多故事提供者足以自行完成敘事的可能,自年初始開設故事書寫、Ballroom文化及肢體、身心繪畫、女性共織聚會等以HIV+、LGBTQ+社群份子為主要招募對象的系列創作型培力賦權實驗,藉由具啟發性的培力實驗引導參與者啟航自我對話旅途。本展延續原培力實驗計畫「陽性意志 POZ Movement」命題,由參與培力的數名社群創作者身心敘事為軸,聯合指導業師、親友夥伴及三名近身觀察者的新作公開,在臺北鬧空間、鬧房間以錄像、塗繪、串連書寫、雕塑、詩歌、攝影、聲音裝置、織物、肢體演繹、發聲派對、座談等媒材與形式,縱情咆哮求生意志,紀念自身前行闊步的動態。
Over four years, Taiwan HIVStory Association has twice held exhibitions and theater performances about Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in national venues. Through the medium of arts, HIVStory has blurred boundaries and rifts, scrutinized the stigma left by the pandemic of the virus, examined the variety of issues faced by HIV carriers of different regions, sexualities and cultural legacies. In 2023, having presented Rx: still life - a theater project converted from dozens of stories told by HIV carriers, HIVStory decided to implement its annual art initiation project with a gesture closer to the community, hoping to create more possibilities for storytellers to complete narratives on their own. HIVStory has held a series of creative, empowering and experimental events engaged with story-writing, ballroom culture and body moves, holistic painting, and women weaving. Targeting at HIV+ and LGBTQ+ community members, these inspiring empowerment experiments helped participants to embark on their journeys of inner conversation. Titled after the mentioned experimental project - POZ Movement, this exhibition centers around the narratives of body and mind created by several empowerment participants from HIV+ community, along with their families and friends, the art mentors and the three inside observers. Their original creative projects will be presented in NOW Space & NOW Room (Taipei), taking the form of video, painting, collaborative writing, sculpture, poetry, photography, sound installation, fabric, physical performance, speak-up party, and forum, to roar out their will to live as well to commemorate their stride forward.
系列推廣活動 Events|
2023.11.07(Tue.) to 11.12(Sun.) 13.00-19.00
2023.11.19(Sun.) 15.00-17.00
POZbath 一對一浸浴體驗(需預約)
2023.11.24(Fri.) 20.00-22.00
2023.11.25(Sat.) 20.00-22.00
2023.12.01(Fri.) 20.00-22.00
Visual AIDS Day Without Art 放映&聚談
2023.12.02(Sat.) 19.00-22.00
POZ Ball 主題派對舞會
展期 Exhibition Dates| 2023.11.18(Sat.) – 2023.12.02(Sat.)
開幕 Opening Reception| 2023.11.18(Sat.) 18.00
參展藝術家 Artists| 老大 B!G007、林鈺豐 Erick Lin、哈拿‧葛琉 Hana Keliw、張能禎 Chang Neng-Chen、曾智偉 Tseng Chih-Wei、劉仁凱 Kairon Liu、以及數十名臺灣HIV+社群夥伴 More than 10 HIV+ community members in Taiwan
地點Venue| 鬧空間 & 鬧房間 @nowspace.tw @nowroom.tw
3F & 4F., No. 58, Yanping S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
更多展覽及活動資訊Find out more|@history0227
主辦單位 Organizer
補助單位 Program Sponsors
友善企業 Title Sponsor
贊助單位 Exhibition Sponsors
杰德影音Portico Media、無我髮廊、Abrazo Bistro擁抱餐酒館、 歐諾影像 O KNOW IMAGEE
場地贊助與協力 Venue Sponsor & Co-presenter
鬧空間 NOW Space、鬧房間 Now room
特別感謝 Special Thanks
社團法人台灣露德協會、禾餘麥酒、NAPWHA -
view all鬧空間 NOW space
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