

【菅實花】 Mika KAN個展

  • 迎接2024的元月,1839當代藝廊首推日本知名女性當代藝術家菅實花(Mika KAN)的攝影系列作品,《我不會讓你走》(I Won`t Let You Go,2019年至今)。

    菅實花(Mika KAN)的作品以精緻擬真的人偶作品而聞名,其作品在質疑人類與非人類之間的界限,以及虛構與現實之間的模糊性。《我不會讓你走》(I Won`t Let You Go,2019年至今)系列作品,是作者(菅實花)頭部石膏模製成的擬真人偶拍攝的自拍像系列作品,她以等身大的矽膠製人偶實際擺設拍攝,主題是將克隆人(無性繁殖系)表現為人造雙胞胎,探討了人與克隆人之間的情感聯繫和道德問題。

    1月6日周六下午,菅實花(Mika KAN)本人蒞臨現場,與您一同參與開幕與導覽。

    【1839當代藝廊】菅實花 Mika KAN《我不會讓你走I Won`t Let You Go》個展
    展期|2024.01.05 - 02.04 11:00-19:00
    策展人: 邱奕堅 博士 (東京藝術大學,藝術學博士)
    開幕暨簽名座談|2024.01.06 (六) 14:30-16:30
    地點|1839當代藝廊 (台北市大安區延吉街120號地下樓)
    電話|(02) 2778-8458

    To welcome the New Year of 2024, 1839 Contemporary Gallery is going to launch the photography series “I Won`t Let You Go” by the well-known Japanese contemporary female artist Mika KAN in January.

    Mika KAN is best known for her exquisitely realistic puppet works that question the boundaries between the human and the non-human, as well as the ambiguity between fiction and reality. The series "I Won`t Let You Go" (2019-present) is a series of self-portraits taken by the author (Mika KAN) using realistic dolls made of plaster casts of her heads. The life-size silicone dolls were shot with actual decorations. The theme was to show human clones (asexually reproduced lines) as artificial twins, and explore the emotional connection and moral issues between humans and clones.

    On the afternoon of Saturday, January 6, Mika KAN herself came to the venue to participate in the opening and artist talk with you.

    Miki KAN 「I Won`t Let You Go」 solo Exhibition
    Date|2024.01.05-2024.02.04 11:00-19:00
    Opening & Artist Talk|2024.01.06 (六) 14:30-16:30
    Curated by|Edward, I-Chien CHIU, phD
    Venue|1839 Contemporary Gallery
    TEL│02-2778 8458


    菅實花 《我不會讓你走》
    Mika KAN: I Won`t Let You Go



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