
De Lounge

【《In artists, status anxiety》胡曉楠個人展覽 Kaio Wu Hiu Nam Solo Project Exhibition】重新思考當代藝術家與精英文化

  • 展期

    日期:2024-01-06 ~ 2024-01-28

  • 地點

    香港 新蒲崗 大有街16號 昌泰工廠大廈 9樓

  • 相關連結

    More: In artists, status anxiety

  • 參展藝術家

    Kaio Wu Hiu Nam、胡曉楠

  • 《In artists, status anxiety》,由胡曉楠獨立策劃,展覽日期為2024年1月6日至28日於獨立藝術空間Mooroom。胡氏以加工現成物、重製傢具及藝術書寫等,投入自身在當代藝術系統當中的隔離感,重新思考當代藝術家的動機,與精英文化相關的世俗事實。

    胡氏以現成物剖白她長年與藝術的不對等關係,選擇成為遠離群體的局外者,反思當代藝術世界中常見的「地位焦慮(Status Anxiety)」。胡氏認為當代藝術家具有「被人設」及「被引導動機」的意味,卻對社會具有前沿思考的警示作用。兩者矛盾,我們既想要成為某種存在理念和歷史意義,也參與了設定有關藝術的隱藏規則與遊戲語言。


    ‘In artists, status anxiety’, solo project exhibition artist-curated by Kaio Wu Hiu Nam. Wu examines her longstanding unequal relationship with art through repairing ready-made objects, furniture, books and art writing. Wu rethinks the agenda behind contemporary art and its undeniable, secular relationship with elitism. 

    Wu takes a step back from the mainstream and confesses her Status Anxiety, a shared emotion in the art world, and the power imbalance between art and the artist it reveals. Wu believes artists often need to ‘Self- Scrutinise’ to fit a certain ‘persona’, and contemporary art is ‘Purposed’. By exposing the dilemma between ideology/meaning, Wu breaks through the language game related to art and hidden rules which, ironically, are set by the artists themselves. 

    In this exhibition, Wu adopts methods like self-satire and invites all artists to delve into this discussion of elitism and Status Anxiety.


    More: In artists, status anxiety

DE LOUNGEKaio Wu Hiu Nam胡曉楠In artists status anxiety


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