大雋藝術 Rich Art
【ONE ART Taipei 2024 藝術台北|大雋藝術 展間 Room 1201】

大雋藝術本次將於展間【1201】策劃主題《Let’s Roam!》,以號召的口吻,帶領觀者漫步屋內展開藝術採集行動,透過閱讀、感知翻攪腦內的時空膠囊,開啟與之共鳴的關鍵訊息。展間將展出來自歐亞五國,共7位當代藝術家最新作品,連結不同文化經驗孕生的視角,集結跨國、跨世代、跨媒材的多元主題創作,?邀請觀者漫遊於不同文化的交匯處,進行一場思想探險。
Rich Art Gallery will be presenting the theme "Let's Roam!" at ONE ART Taipei 2024, in exhibition space【1201】. With an inviting tone, the exhibition aims to lead the viewers wandering around the space to start a unique art journey; as well as aspires to encourage participants to delve into their own imaginative space capsules, and foster a deeper understanding of the profound messages embedded in each piece. Showcasing the latest works of seven artists hailing from both European and Asian countries, the exhibition serves to connect perspectives from diverse cultural experiences. The collection brings together varied themes that span across nations, generations, and artistic mediums. Rich Art Gallery extends a warm welcome to all viewers. Brace yourself for an immersive experience, engage with the diverse cultures, and start a journey bursting with intellectual exploration.
大雋藝術 展間 Room 1201
◉ 展出藝術家 Artists
.蔡尉成Tsai Wei-Cheng
.林俊彬 Lin Chun-Pin
.黃麟詠 Huang Lin-Yung
.白田誉主也 Hakuta Yoshuya
.妮基・海爾 Niki Hare
.杰弗里・布約 Geoffrey Bouillot
.智敉譽 Jimere
◉ 2024.01.26|11:00 - 19:00 藏家預展 Collector Preview
◉ 2024.01.26|14:00 - 19:00 貴賓預展 VIP Preview
◉ 2024.01.27 - 01.28|11:00 - 19:00 公眾展期 Exhibition Date
JR東日本大飯店 台北 Hotel Metropolitan Premier
台北市中山區南京東路三段133號 -